Show PRICE UTAH that the town of price has abundant reason to itself upon the manner in fit NY winch bich it met the responsibility of earwig for the tile big republican convention is m fully dusted sted li returning return mg dek ICIL gates there was a record br breaking eakin 11 attend attendant inc e not of the delegates dele gatei themselves but of interested onlookers em who idin were allo al so shown the utmost any fears thit may have been espres expressed ed as to the lac lael of ac conid irions or facilities for tile proper entertainment of so large a number ot or visitors were ere dispelled by the cordiality and I lir ir gesse of the good people of price and their enterprising in clyor tho the convention halh halls were spacious and ample the batin eating and housing arrangements satisfactory and the welcome of rf the tile citizens citi zeni aai ai of tint tivit genuine gennine wholesome nar ar lety which makes makei a lasting impression i price has lia i furnished a convincing vincin argument argil ment in fa or of en OL cag ional selection election of towns oth other er than the capital uty for ta the hold ing of convention in lit ly it lias has iteld I 1 t elf as its a most enterprising and desirable and progressive pidie place in ill to ill silt S tit lake her id ild |