Show DATE IS 13 FIXED AND ELK READY FOB FOR GONG DAl dallice lite it date ate for tilt tile 1 I 1 hk iks initia in thil city has lit I 1 leen sen set et as 31 mi 11 9 A booster tte from price killgo wilf go to balt lake to halt lau bike ilk in the affard anil and it ie Is alii ole thit hit tile ho permanent booster coin coni mitt it vf floten of 0 the palt I 1 ake lodge will borre to arl to help put rep pep it lt to 0 o tit um utu elka fani bill into the tb pro i brengs 1 la in ipa cral lero air are now vow Itty iwo can candidates dilates ditl a it loyen rn I 1 tco trio eniti alro ir noulia will I 1 liidi L III at tile high cleol as a to t in 4 krikes lit 2 the after afternoon ocl atul onti aul finI after which ti a vill be enad D armav clients foi pat th ban banica piet I 1 lat I 1 hot ct et bun llo birvie trav trava be 1 for alose nf of attic annu bats 1 who pot reid d them by I 1 inn nit pule line wil binl i 1 ligh steil 1 ie le 0 0 cannot g gt li vi 0 i to a tal tat li it |