Show bird birds hay have right of way bowl have the richt tit of may ay in air urns the director of f military mero this Is I 1 justice indeed since birds flew first hut but this thin to iq not all recently many towns tons along the At atlantic Atlin lintle tic coast have brn visited witti ith dead bird hewers aviators flying by a town would see a flock of wild lid fol owl coming their may ay TI ticy ey would mould set ir machine gun and aej let the billt bul lt fly presently a prominent aalst alk finx below would be hit with a large bloody bird lie complained to the town and the town tonn complained to the department ot of agriculture then the federal migratory birt bird law between abe ui united state states and great wan was referred to and it ass ae found that shooting birds from airplane airplanes Is 1 fan u lawful |