Show GRADE SCHOOL TO ENJOY GREAT DAY bur tot tile last two year an the grade li of ariff have elf bikel ti rel Kel chool with voth a deest cm day aud sold at fity fly park no ottalle school could aper scaled 11 to tiniest with the price fhoos no th the w free cuth nth gt jo ot of tl lie junior liili rh fi ampf i J the ct allenn ox uil I 1 it to vibekke it warm for the the mr iriving iving ill be bo lv ovar ivr to rates jiin 1 in all a corniest hoi lut lit polo botn ault ui of I 1 atit lundi will 1 to antin eato at noon ani all it bliwn two pr ori wilt aill fow with indi room ayt 1 u I hour ilour I 1 f play will wilt bp be atit fill ill tho program o 0 with faith sath an all eathia craiker crai kir an ant t whist at aun time a pie PIC contest tax tu of 0 ar at 0 ero rons ahto lie renal canal and still other at 3 k cards will 1 I han ban led aroun I 1 on benl enl I 1 rail all Pat patron anil anti frit rid it ie Is are ar til to enjoy the day with the th little folk folks |