Show ca BRIEFS went to balt lake fact IV 4 on business W H ka jiin loren walker of afton wyo wye J jyh en I 1 thompson of price were mar r rit dhere ro tills till week W 13 8 ail A D I 1 hartley F VT robinson and M II 11 r shepard Jitney ed to fie the capital for a week en I 1 outing andrew franklin and ins in mum branah nah jensen of were granted rented a marriage marr laife licens this tills week urn maraaret Mr aaret A clegg anil anti her daughters ert mrs vivian Car carlial liall i of cedar city are guests at the ft r k jones J aoe borne home mr IN V 11 II bash if tit clear crock creek vim vt tied friend friends in n price thi this week ahil on her way to to t for a hort short stay W SZ chatles Cli aiice lea mait well known in in 1 lile its wife D Diot hv in salt lake for dicori i on the tile grounds of cruelty er delty VA 8 N I 1 koa roo shiner ha fins signet ft lie 1118 ifa ion an As clerk in tin freight de derrit pot an I 1 I 1 lifa is pla 1 ce will lie taken by mh tills tile corll corlis 0 A spear I 1 real tell t of the he smoot N nixon ixon lumber coni tame down town from novo saturday la to lok link oter local afthim I 1 agg W a 5 Prin clial kolla rolla V Joh johneton Jo linnon niton and twide of hil his eighth grade pupils int arent tuesday in price insel acting the 1 lh gh school W S t c urs mr L A mcgee and cihi cgee are pending tha hekli week 14 gilt lake they to inita chapter of ali 0 O E B 8 wa 8 miss UI Kathrn lae M Ilott li ottino lao lia has been commissioned aa as postmistress at la tuda and ind that camp will low now handle its it own mail of going to one of the older camps for service C mr mrs it R W crockett bcd d MM mrs thom tho as a wakely went to suit salt lake day evening to attini grani grant chapter of the tile order oyler of I 1 astern star mr mrs crockett lj la grand martha in the state organization W ws as the tie auto line is i ing headquarter headquarters in the old G dirden den etore tore building nill bagle i 9 a buey busy tuan inan since nee be b took brer th norv mer ice to amory county but lie fie in giving splendid plen did satisfaction 4 cyga mr and mi Ms george M miller atut to mt lit pleasant yesterday morning to attend the funeral of mr me lers in lw ceorge ajo wj did at paul idaho they will visit in salt lake I 1 ake before returning james II 11 walli aitor 1 0 the lie vernl vere hiort wax was a new news advocate Adv orate allot saturday evening ile and mrs were on their way to ilah to visit a 4 ton who ran runs a paper la in the south tatter part of that fate state miss ml anns jone jones s bas bees deputy county clerk by II 11 0 smith who wh bae has had a bar haft time keeping a good deputy ulan jones aromi jea to until a republican take takes over the ofelea next january ditella clayton hail ha sled filed auit suit ter for divorce fron from leo too ta when whom she he wae was married last july at manu ine loo got tired of the matrimonial yoke in jaa jan nary uary and blew blow the tho wife Is now III II 11 ing with relative 11 at SumaY Sunn W three ca have beart t transferred a a aft erred from the court of justice J V mae knight to that of J W hammond on change of verue they aro are thonol host john Chan bleary an and I 1 and joe wel ini W 83 F 1 L buckio buckle his ha beurn d fron from oho ohio where ho he wa was called by the serl beriou illness of hie his father who later pasted away mr mrs bucklo and the tile children art tire remain lug for a month months vt v t ml it bai bat purchased frei re jre ermour the now l by wallai withard lowry 11 jono ignes elal special rl al at f the ioto Uie lepArt department ment haw has been in price and baian tom everal several AV s looking over nver con ittem and me ent at tons for the department na as to improvement and chans in tie marylee he lie was wa al ll iut ut i ly to complaints made by da chlone tl TJ too complaint complaints itria ie le hir an art nobble party have been r n luli alel by the LI club of the town jt at the tb end nd of tho ali a J 0 7 jeneen jensen bus has old sold to joseph aa V bahcall for or au all of action 21 22 ap aad parti parts of sections efti oal IS 13 ant 16 in town aldip hi 14 range 8 fir J WS W 8 mr and mr mrs utah thompson peon are dappy over the arrival of an el eight pound boy toda today both mother and baby are ira doing anely nicely nf 0 0 i the was of aa an salesman leiman na ire are not always pleasant according to ourt court record records this week the price garage company haa has filed suit against C 3 D barker J L allred V F M and silas bliss bor ross jolin john milano dern derm II addon J A bstewart Bt ewart 0 it 11 rutherford and barl larl thompson W waa Ss mrs airs T R Var Millan and children will leav leave saturday morning for lob anon ore or to join mac mae la in their new now home they will be greatly but tte bet best wishes of f the entire community orill ill go with them mr sir macmillan is i well established ia in hie his newspaper new paper and has a floe fine home purchased W ws SS glenda mae knot five year old dan of mr ale and mrs W 1 daoa of oi standard lit died yesterday yet erday of t spinal she waa was nek vick bet hot a hort short use wae was a bright little girl beloved by her companions and the tile idol if her parent heart the bedy body will it b laid at ret rea in lit prise pries cemetery teme tery V W SZ florentii 17 thompson a stranger got ot with other peoples pi pl ople oples name names on checks this week aad and had a bunch out when he wai was caught lie wa was taken before bastice J W hammond where he made all the checka good nod aad and then pal I 1 a an flae of ao 20 2 levied by the burt court as a little reminder rem iader tot to repeat WS M R D barath sup of the boath busath broe machine company of bait halt I 1 ake was wa la in price prier a coul coui Is I 1 of dye days this week overhauling the new news advocate linotype and und pre ses he ile Is 1 an expert and nil put everything iu la good oa 01 hape shape N ve a hope in an am other week V ti bo issuing tie rape ra u as a formerly forra erly W 8 k rebcca jeanselme of e wa was one if f the tile graduate this week wk at aca aladray denar in mt nit I 1 other others wre were halm ami and llwyd of elar and leland of mt it pleasant who aliel is to artee I 1 anre a couple of year years ati Jean wire with jun and 1 dallinger will arrive home tit lie let at or of the wk |