Show WOMEN ORGANIZE A SERVICE LEGION karlee atar legion ha has per fecter its lt lu in price th the initial ric netting eting vae ram tell I 1 ell anat dy day afternoon when mr life J 0 falck 1 of 0 ogden state organizer was pru nt tit the second meeting wat was hell bell monday alter ou at which time officers were eteter ana hie the wot of the organization discuss il 41 the follow ing ln officer officers were selected mr mrs F J thomas Tb oinas pv aident mr mrs A E L gibson first vice fee president mie U r olson deconti vt vi e president c II 11 ste anon season ji i recording mr ira C it R n secre tiry mrs P T aanons la t aber mie mrs ir 1 ti kol rot hl hiet storla orlan 2 r ant byl n e re opted at thia this meeting add it was decided that ine etino le hell 1 the fret frat of earh each month A committee compose I 1 p of airs a J at Uit hit inore mr 1 it S ila inett mrs F r 0 lei let an ail I 1 mr i u it R Full dK will mill make snake for a I 1 r rani lepio I 1 v it lias has been flonni hat it alth ith the r i up pe it ef r tip tie fount count 1 an larl wrol matles mat lex will I 1 ie e I 1 il I 1 anted lal da dan or the court hot leois 11 alln n nn mc oriole tn to ce ceree rge gift rt eon son and unit on tl tiina aurty ft fo r women relatives of it men vila serel 1 in tile tip war liar have adamd tie ron lilu tou bild it is expected chrt a stron organization wilt will I 1 sh much gaw I 1 for arit arsie e |