Show iff 3 liall alib volt knew me i IE if I 1 knew 5 3 on ou and you knew me stis tia seldom ve ye Y e would disagree N 1 4 bit never having yet clasped handi both often fad faa to understand f tsat each intends to do right I 1 and treat each other honor bright little to complain be jd JU knew you and you knew me we hip you by mistake 0 or 1 jour bill some error make t free 4 c it if I 1 knew you and you kev ineis me N or when the checks don t come on timo time and customers send us nary a line wed wait without anxiety if I 1 knew you and you knew me or when goods you fl fire re back or a kick on this or that wed take it in good part you ou 8 arlo if it I 1 knew you and you knew we u with cust customers omeri ten thousand strong occasionally things go wrong sometimes our fault sometimes theirs forbearance would decrease all cares w 9 kind friend bow how pleasant thing would be it I 1 knew you and you knew mt m 7 4 lt wa ww 4 1 then let no doubting ting thoughts abide of firm good faith on eith either r side confidence to each other give liing li ing mir urs elyes let others live any time yon yat oae owe our way that hat you will cull we hope and pray then face fate to face we aaa shall see and ill know you and know me |