Show NOT A DRIVE BUT PUSH FOR LEGION tl TI e Ame american ritan will hold a camu bor or diw members the weik welk of may 11 1723 that wilt will be biffi ent to in lit the first it is not a drive so bat but a puah lack lit I 1 be the dim days of hie tile early war pub expert experts borrowed the word delv from the aling aa of the day I 1 everyone who went out after some thing fell into the lamy habit calling hi his a drive then when it came time for th the tn a rho really kutaw what a war artire durive dr tire wa was to go out after new for their lo 10 0 kion gian they found that tle lao word ld drive wax was an a as a blank cartridge thay bad had to dig thema tives up a new word bo go they ailed failed their campaign campat KB a push which ia 13 a great deal like a 11 arivett irive except that it goes farther in fn implying relentless effort aad and resistless rest force A feature that the 11 1 1 pub lie ile hould should be quick to realize ia Is that they memoirs re of the public will not be calfred to anything except good will positively no momy monty contri buttons will bo be expected or n reined f croci roul them they will be to exhibit their friendship but not their checkbooks cheek books only mime three million men are eh eli gible to alad take active benefit if f tie the ligion campaign eam tito organization now has enrolled more than a million and a half former service man and lomeii twi leaving 1 some tarm million who can belong but ii dro not the husli 11 then I 1 ie alburl dirce directly ty at till this minority all of the tile cambil d efforts of he the million illion rn and i a li I 1 ill ile i if ti gieir air ft fI falih ildrie liH will ul be devoted to bring ing 1 th be alint into the fold which recalls roca ii hat that every will have to take on a ao an I 1 convince two com combader rader only allnut one man in twenty ie Is ia 10 join the lesion it ia in pr p r factly eaf safe it i nay may thit of of loyal Amer would give a 9 J 1 leal I at if were eligible ty by mm reason at of active truly navy or marine arvice to come into fia tile creglon hut but they erin nott ant an I 1 it I 1 a n IY ik it arf In minion allion who are I 1 raf d to n take advantage of the s 0 push only one antrican in twenty may lie ile I 1 Kl to come into tile I 1 glen earv vr must ii 11 ibler heart the platform riat forni 0 tor jr be ani an 1 in every ib ai ut Amere cau life bave bare gaad ly anil in lorinia thi gienow IOKI it I 1 ii rec ree al alioti hoti 1 le 81 then than fifon bonfie oka ob an on ow force orce for or ml br ler in themi un etstel the eivir wi le rash I 1 I 1 I 1 to deoch mm w hi hy rott I 1 llacer ineer avy ex nervure mei me i can form mr own poet t by getting to gebber an adf applying to national head bea td careri pa reri fur for application blank blanks it i a hat that no locality lora lity in so thinly j ik tiled hat that it allot ware are up fifteen caruer 99 blee who en ran baud 1 together fir for trial ani 1 1 purposes t campaign will rea 11 into bat the jar far comerio os of the al 1 realy the aaion has posts in fourteen our teea forat forer for fT gir countries ant tarse outposts 11 of au pt pett td 4 to join in the ile punt pun a an tf 1 thie thle the glon glen a frontier tor for a 1 has been fua doted that can be timen without refilling antani in tanI id two v from front which horsepower borak ft be b in ailyion to living a new eard can game a IS intondi Sn tondI to timith player players sign signalling alling with flaga u |