Show solicitors MUST GET endorsement solicitor solicitors for or 11 ad in lit ou tolle publication and any other keeme for or Rel rating out of business man 6 will have to have 1 the I written lit endowment 1 of the dl director of the hamber of commerce her after if it ta ey ret get very far N while title no one tali be deprived of the privilege if it they ther compi with city ordinance ordinances it will I 1 ie e easy for the b u albesa men to point to card haning hant ban ing ng on their wallo walls laying saying that they 10 lo do not listen to any theme lic nie not endorsed endore cd by tho th club director directors buen a i lan ian in in vogue in nearly eiery town that has ha a buel bust nese riess cincu organization ani ant envie tho the f the chamber cli amber of commerce much moue to taho tako uch such a step wits res elied at lit a meeting of the director directors in the ohle a 0 B ss s S tar tat af it if 14 holard lant kir liny eveir even ing of johi II 11 rodj wal wait lace isee lowry an still I 1 C II 11 Blo 84 enson front the I 1 oard of director directors were and ben bell J SON I 1 twin butterworth and c air were chosen to fill kit tile aca ucles M mot most of the evening wa wits devoted t I 1 d toy sf a of a band and means ot buring a good organization to fo phee I 1 arze eity city bag ha no fund funds with which to help to any great extent and the fund of the tile chamber cli amber of commerce are a lim 11 n itel it vav I 1 that bre at I 1 clift securing ef of a lettler lealer with tho the members would wor woric cand and the dopera apera ho pera tion of all who ran con eaic are necee ary nary ta to the starting tart tag of the move no de finito action was taken but it Is the general feeling that price muot must lit hee a a good barni band of largo argo ize size and that a way must be found to organize xe ani and supper auth such a is band further action be taken at a an early date allani llani kt sellable table camping ground for auto thurit to urit were dl discussed cued and it decide to endeavor to secure the far to r ground grounds special work will bo be done on them it t their ue use ie is permitted nud stud a supply appy of kindling and wood kibet on an hand 0 so o that building buildings and fence fences will not be harmed |