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Show JiOTlCE OF ENTRY OF LAND. Notice is hereby given by thetnirlcrsifrned the muvpr of Moroni city, in Sanpete county, tliitt I have entered, at the. United Stares land otlico at Salt Lake city, TJtab territory, for and in rjetulf ot t!ie ichabitaiitg of Moroni pity in Sanpete county, Utah territory, the following described land, to wit: The south naif of tb 60iitli-wesC(uartorof section two; the nortll-e'tst nortll-e'tst quarior ot tiie nortb-enst quarter of sec-lion sec-lion nine; the north half of tile north-west quftrttr an3 north-east quarter of seetion ten and tae north -vt;st quarter of section eleven all in tlio tewneliip ot lifteen South, of ranuo. three oast of Salt Lake meridian. Utah ler, i-torv, i-torv, and rontnining rive hundred ami twenty-acres. twenty-acres. Public notice is hereby given to ail. personsor person, associations or corporations,, claiming to be the rightful owners of possession, posses-sion, oe. Qpant or occupants, or to be entitled, to tiie oe-A-upancy or possession of such lamL. as above described, or to any lot, block., tiisri: or pJircol thereof, to 11 e with the ciert. oi tiie probate court of Panpete countv, a-srtemTit a-srtemTit in wntipg containing an aecura:s-aoseripuon aecura:s-aoseripuon of (lie i alt.cular parcel or parcels, of lnn.1 in which h", sue or they eb,im to have tit.j' interest, and the specific right, interest, or estate tio-rcin, which he, she or tlu-v claim to be emitled to recciye. Said statement to bo tiled within six months from the (late ot the f.rs: publication of this notice, baled at Moroni city, l- ebruary 2H, A. '".lSfli AXHREW I. JKKSEV ilavor of Moroni City. |