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Show SnilCE FOR PUBLICATION. So. 1339 Land omeo at Salt Lake City, rtati, April 2S. 1-C2. N'otlce ij, hereby piveu that the fjllowinfr-narced fjllowinfr-narced settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final commutation proof in Support of his claim, aud that said proof will bo made before the Probate judge of Fmeiy courty, Utah, at Castle IHle, I tah, on Juno 11, ly-2 viz: Sylvester H. Cot, Homestead Enlrv So 7197 for the north half of smith east quarter southwest quarter of southeast quipter southeast south-east quarter of southwest quarter, section SI, township Is, soutli rangeseast, Salt Lake meridian, Utah. Lie namesthe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation cultiva-tion of, said lHiid, viz : Frank Carrol, Wiliiam latron, Hvrnm Taylor, Azariah Xuitle all of uranreviiie, Emery county, L'toh. Frank Li. Uobes, Register T. C. U.liley, AUuruey. |