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Show PROBATE ORDER. In the probat ? court in and for sanpelecounty Utah territory, lu the matter of the estate of Anne Williams, deceased. Order on .hearing final accotuit and asking tor decree of destrii.ution. On reading and tiling the petition of I.uther T. Turtle the administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Anna V Hliams deceased, asking for an allowance of his final account ami decree of dGStributiun of said estate among the persons entitled thereto. It is order d that all persons interested in - the estate o f the said Aune W illiauis deceased be and appear before tho probate court of Sanpete county at the court room of said court in Manti city, 'Uiah territory on Monday tho JMIi Jav of April. 1J at 11 o'clock,, a. m. of said day then and ,1,-re to show ciiuc- why an onler allowing (.!! rtniti a out and ucatri-butiol. ucatri-butiol. should 10 t In- made of ihe residence 9r said fstate aumeff 1 e hi-is of said decaseu And it, ?s l'm-'io-r ' ': lertil th , t a copy of their order be pnbbtn.d for time inks b-.foro tile said tl.'tli dav of April, 1SV2. in the SENTINEL a new spuper printed and published in Manti city Sanpete county, Vtah territory. Jaooh Johnson Probate Judge. : Ihited Ma ch it, WU. ! T.-nitory of Utah, ; .Sanpete tv.nnlv. 1 ! I John lli-id, clf-i k of the probate court in aiu! for h.inpete eounuy, I'tah leraitory, h-reby Certify that the foregoing is a loll, true aud correct copv ofthe orie:i. al o-der on hearing lina) account and asking for deeceo of destrl-hutioj destrl-hutioj 111 the matur of tile estate et Anne William, deceased, as it appears on tile and of record in my ollice. V, ill,. my baud and op cial seal this 51st dav (1 reroh. A. P.. isiii (SE W. i Jons lt. in. Probate Cleric. |