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Show AN ACT In Relation to Elections and Tenure of Office. Be it enacted by the governor and legislative assembly of the teriitnry of Ctah. Seetion 1. That on tiie Tuesday next after tue first Monday in November, 18S2, and biennially thereafter, a general election shall be held throughout the t?rritory for the election of territorial, county and precinct officers, who by law are or may be made elective; and all such officers so elected shall quality aud enter upon the duties of their respective re-spective offioes on the first day of January Jan-uary next succeeding their election, and continue in office for two years, and until their successors are d lly eleeted and qualified; provided, that county collectors 6hall not enter upon the duties of their office until the first day of June of the year next succeeding their election. Section 2. That the official term of the present Incumbents of any of the offices mentioned in the foregoing section, sec-tion, exeept county collectors whose term shall extend to June 1, 1893, shall extend to the first day of Januray 1S93. and until their successors are dnlj elected and qualified, but not longer. Section 3. Thai on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in Sovember,lS92, there shall be held an election in each city, town, village and school district in the territory "except suih cities as shall have held an election in 1S92, prior to .May 61, ly-Sii 10 nil an oniues oi m same or pertaining thereto, which by law are, or may be made elective, and the officers so elected shall qualify and enter uDon the duties of their respective offices on the first day of January, 1S93, ,J mli.i if, omen M rhf firotdwnf January, 1891, and until their successors are duly elected and qualified. That the incumbents of the offices mentioned in this section may continue therein and exercise the funct ions thereof till tho first day of January 1993, and nutil their successors are duly elected and qnalified, but not longer. Section i That on the Tuesday next after the firt Monday in November, 1S93, aud biennially thereafter, tliore shall ba held an election in each eitv. to-wo, village, and school district iu the territory to fill all offices of the ssme or pertaiuing thereto, which -by law are, or may be uiftde elective, also for "members "mem-bers of the legislative assembly, and the officers then elected shall qualify and enter upon the duties of their respective re-spective offices on the first day of January Janu-ary next succeeding their election, and continue iu office for two years, aud un til their successors are duly elected and qualified. Section 5 That all acts and parts of acts, ia so far as they provide for holding hold-ing elections to fill any of the offices mentioned in this act (othpr than for special elections to fill vacancies) or in any manner for fixiug the tenure of such offices otherwise than as in this act provided, are hereby repealed Section 6 Nothing in this act shall apply to cities of the metropqlitian class. Section 7 This act seall take effect from und after May 31, ISI'2. Approved March 10, 1S92. I hereby certify that the foregoiDg is a correct copy. Witness my hand and official seal this loth day of May, 1S92 seal Elijah Sells, Secretary. |