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Show case was that of a littie girl, a i-year ! old, a chattering idiot in every sens , neither able to walk cor stand. A!. ' though her surroundings were the very best she had never been known. to smile j or take notice of anything during her four rears of existence. On first examination ex-amination the learned doctor concluded that abnormal r,arrwness of the skull acted as an obstruction to brain growth or expansion, and that the removal of the impediment would threw light on what would surely be dark and gloomy life were no measure taken for the relief of the poor child. The doctor called assistence and opened the scalp from the forehead to the base 0 the skull. Next he made a long incision in the center of the 'skull, chinping away a narrow strip of the bone from the left side. The result was really maivelous. Within less than a month she could walk aud feed herself, besides being able to make known her many little wants in an intelligible manner. At last account she was able to walk, talk and play; and, although not nearly as intelligent as the average child of her age, is far from being an idiot. She is now bBt'ween 5 and 6 years old, and Is said to have as much knowledge of the ways of t le world as the agerage 2-year-old. Iu roint of human existence she is not 2 years old until this coming may, the date when Dr. Lannelonge performed his marvelous operation. Making a Skuli for a Girl-Well Girl-Well might Marcotte ask: "tVhat will we probably come to?" when the medical journals ,credibly inform us that a French medico, Professor Lanne-longe, Lanne-longe, makes skulls to order for living customers! For years the leading surgeons sur-geons of .England, continental Europe and America have contended that idiots were such on account of a lack of a skull space rather than on account of any defect of the brain. After having thoroughly studied the relations of the brain to the skull space Dr. Lannelonge resolved to try putting an addition to the bony brain-pan of a poor idiot girl of the French capital, and it is not saying say-ing too much to remark that astonishing astonish-ing success attended his first efforts. This era of sknllmaking was inaugurated inaugu-rated by Dr. Lannelonge in May, 1890, since which time he has performed a number of difficult operations, 87 per cent of them being pronounced suc-jesses. suc-jesses. As mentioned above, tne initial |