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Show THE M AMtTrOLLER WLLS L vUla If. l . d ft ' , i w -- m.vnvi'vc riKuu or THE BEST uRADLS OF FLOUR P&T Orders .mil (Jorrt!-ioiiiitiu:t) solicited. Custom Work a Specialty. THE TEMPLE DRUG STORE THERE 13 ALWAYS ON HAND A FT LI. Sl'rPLY OK Lily of the Vallev 1 VALLEY TAN REMEDIES W lit R-m " " I KACK POWDERS rt'hitn Lilac ' - PKi.iFUME3 COLTKIN'3 LINIMENT Jet-key Chi!) I , - Ne !:vti Hay J GARFIELD TEA PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. Sign and return to this office. ? 1 1 1 ' I 11? It . m lil"s , ,, - w a - o. " s Sien tins pieil.e ml liieoiiie a .O rtffl moaiber. ' fc S3 PROFESSIONAL. F ..B. NEWTON", Fainter and Pecrntor. Artistic Sign Work a Specialties. Manti, - Utah. CTRIXGHAM & STRISGITAM. O Sentinel Ait Parlors. fc Photographers Main Stroet, Manti. II.SPERRY " TONSOWiL AltTlST " ' Manti, I'tuli. J J. HANSEN, General Housebnilder. P. O. Box 59, Manti, Utah. - BOCTH 4 WILSON, Attorneys at Law and Laud Ofiicc Apents 23 Korta J street, Provo, Utah J W. WHITECOTfON. A.' I). GASH. Whitecotton & Gash, Attorneys-at Law. Room! 10 and 1-2, Bank Building. Provo, Vtali. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Work, Style, Fit andTrices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. I Tailor's Trimmings Always on Hand. 8uits Made to Order on Short Notice. : EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. - THE MANTI Mercantile Institution , Invite attet tion to their large and varied assortment of ladies Newmarkets, Jackets Jack-ets and Shasvls, misses' and children's Wraps, ladies' and misses' Mushu and . Merino underwear; men and boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers; Arctics, Hose, Gloves and Miltens, Fascinatois in great variety; Satin, Moire and Velvet Ribbons in all shades; 54-fuch allnool Suitings at 60 cents per yard; Cashmeies from 25 cents to it.25 per yard. W rh. T. R e i d, PROBATA ATTORNEY---A-pSJ-D A.C3-ZE3JST T7 , AU JllHUS of Probate busiiiess promptly attended at-tended to, and titles secured to Land under "ilie vaiious entries Office, Court House. Manti. Utah. . - - r CITY S)EUC: stsi;iv : , " ' ' " ' ' " HEADQUARTESS FOR ..... . ,Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soap?, Perfumery, Per-fumery, Toilet Article?, Etc. (Perseriptions Cm f idly filled at all hour?. MKS. I. B. BPJIXEL. Prop 8ffi-FIRST-CLASSW0RK.- BCNTLE TRtATHEKT GUARANTEED. . MANTI. ' - - - ' TIJAH -' TUTTLE '& STAGEY lire Insurance, MANTI- - - - " " ; -IUTAH Authorized Agents for the folj lowing Companies : Etna of Hartford, Hartford of Hnnford Continental of X. Y. Home of New York Columbia of Portland. Ohio: Physician and Su,-geon. pecial attention given to the noee and throat. Fairview City, Utab. E. M. WORKS , PBOPBIETOR OF THE All kindsof Siding, Moulding, Flooring, . Doors, Windows. Sashes etc. constantly on hand and made to order. One block west from the Temple hotel. r- I 1 1 - u . i I WALTER STBINGSAM S, IS . 'J prepared to fill all orders for Lime 3 large or small. 'r j will he delivered to any part of the town ot County, at reason- able prices. BARNARD WHITE, J. F. GRANT, J.. R. SNOW, President. Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer W. 3. PRESTON , MORONI SNOW, W. W. BURTON geo. a. snow; DIRECTORS. JayEyeSee 5x3 Canton Sulky , fei&'VH c,,'PPer Plows LMiXiii Steel plows IVIcCORFilACK MACHINES CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT CO. We always ca'TV a full stock of Wagons. Busies and farm implements. House at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan a Milford, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. H. R. Sloan, - - - Agents. |