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Show COMMENDABLE FORESIGHT. It Would Also be Beneficial to Manti. The following from the Provo Dispatch Dis-patch presents the picture of Manti's condition in describing the future of Provo: "A quiet way, and without any flourish flour-ish of trumpets, Mayor Dusenterry is doing work for Provo city that will prove of inestimable value to her interests. It has been an acknowledged .fact that the city ordinances are in a sad state. In fact it would pnzzle'a Philadelphia Iawjertof'nd out which of our ordinances ordi-nances were in force, which have been repealed, or which amended, aud if 8i what portions. During the last administration ad-ministration there was considerable talk about having the ordinances revised compiled aud then published in book form, so that they might be in some presentable shape. Mayor Dusenberry, immediately upon his installation in office, commenced a work with this object In view. Realizing Real-izing the possibility of the present administration ad-ministration accomplishing this much needed work of revising the ordinances, he wrote to the mayors of every important im-portant city in the surrounding states and territories, requesting a copy of their ordinances. The result has been that already over fifty bound volumes, containing the ordinances of the leading lead-ing cities of the west, have been received, re-ceived, while it is expected that the response to the letters written will make a library of five hundred volumes. Nothing better could be desired in com- piling onr ordinances than such a complete com-plete library to refer to. Mayor Dusenberry Dusen-berry deserves the thanks of the entire municipality for his great foresight in securing them, and we feel safe iu saying say-ing that the council will appreciate the result of his labors." |