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Show Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Potrear Steck to Mr. David t F. Shand ia this city May 4th. , Perhaps the jolliest crowd in Utah I are the editor, manager and typoes of the lianti Sentinel-Richfield Advocate. Advo-cate. Waiter Stringhatn, iu time with recent eastern experiments, has a picture pic-ture of himself "joggling" with hie own head. Read our grand thirty-days offer on the local page. The American Farmer Home Magazine Woman's Work and The Sextixkl one year $2.50. James E. Hoggan is going to manufacture manu-facture a beaver reversible shawl to be carried by John C. Catler of Salt Lake. The shawl will be nearly one half inch thick and brown on one side aud gray on the other. MANTI. The foundation for Tuttle's new store was put in this week. Sheriff Burns of Mount Pleasant was in town this week. Mr. C. C. A. Christensen of Ephraim made us a call on Wednesdy. John Stutzenegger is canvassing . the Home and Farm Cyclopedia. Mrs. Lottie Barton has been some what indisposed for the last wek. Mrs, Maggie Peacock left for her home in Orangeville last Tuesday. Harry J. World has been appointed postmaster at Castle Gate.Emery county The governor of Utah having issued his pardon A. M. Blachard is free once more. v Ward Stevenson's mother is at present pre-sent visiting with him at his home in .Manti. The races today are causing a great ": amount of talk and promise to be quite exciting. A few of vlrs. Spicer's friends spent a very plesasant evening at her home on Tuesday evening last. . ' Stringhani and Stevensen will have their directory of Manti's business firms ready the first of the week. The west aiders challenge has been accepted and the ball game will come off on Friday next at 3-30 p. m. S. It. Nielson the blacksmith has sold his place on A street west between First and Second street sonth to Nathaniel Nathan-iel Crawford. President George Q. Cannon accom- panied by a number of his family came to Manti ,on Monday evening on a special spe-cial palace car. Mr and Mrs. Heber Petty of Muddy Emery county were in Manti this week , attending the marriage reception of Mr. and Mrs. William Cox Jr. Young Fielding was selling Saturday Blades on the street this week. Add a few off the good papers to yonr list and yon will be snre to make a hit. Charley Johnson with his Kol-Kara .palnt pot has visited his many friends in Manti. Wednesday the Misses I.ud. vigson gave him an excursion to Funk's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Parry of Salt Lake came to Manti on Wednesday even ing to attend the Peacock-Cox marriage at the residence of YV. H. Peacock on the 25th instant. Jfe. The National base ball nine of Manti went to Mayfield Sunday and did up the "kids" of that town by a ecore of 14-22. They received splendid treatment treat-ment from Mayfield boys. It is understood J. Fielding will run 'his hack dailylfrom Manti to Chester to avail themselves of this transportation should call on or address that gentlmen at Manti. J. C. Mahan organizer of the Ancient Order United Workman was in our city on Tuesday evening of this week making a visit to Mauti Lodge No 13 and reports finding the lodge In a very flourishing - condition. n.i , The liberal party which assembled in convention at Ephraim on Thursday, voted to suspend itself. Just what an effect this will have upon the issue to be decided by the ballet this fall is left to conjecture. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Goff and Delila Gardner of West Jordan Salt Lake county coun-ty made the office a pleasant call on Monday last. They with a number of their other friends have spent the week in Manti doing temple work. iVilliam T. Cannon and Adah Croxall of Sait Lake City, Nephi Robertson and Ellea .Snell of Spanish Fork, Frank ' Tucker and Hanah C. Psterson of Fair-- Fair-- view, William A . Cox Jr. and Ina Pea-icock Pea-icock oj Manti procured license to r: vmarry from county clerk John Reid ?5b.is week. An eastern lady is going to give ns a ' "t'ooitort Safety Belt," she eays, and wants to know the size of onr corsets, heaven bless her. It will be all right if the Boydens, Murray or Wallace don't go over to Poeatello and tell the little girl all about it. They'll turn green svhen they see that belt. osepu oouubuu was III l" umu uu Tuesday driving Nephi JjMisou's team which was hitched to a heavy roller. The team became frighened and ran away. The roller passed over the boy injuring one of his feet and badly .-- .bruising his face. The injuries though painful are not dangeiions. President George Q. Cannon of the church of Jeans Christ of Latter-day Saints, delivered a lecture at the taber-nacle taber-nacle in this city last Wednesday evening, even-ing, for about two hours. The topics discussed were faith, the work of the members and the division into party lines. At its conclusion the choir ren-eered ren-eered its best "I Live For Those Who Love me," After the people had dis- persed, the choir serenaded Mr. Cannon at the home of President Maiben. A small but enthusiastic audience greeted the Hon. T. Q. Denton at the Sonth ward assembly hall last evening who spoke for an hour and & half npou tariff issues. He Is a forcible talker ' v and won friends by his way of talking. He was followed by the Hon. W. K. Reid '.. who scored John Henry Smith and men-; men-; tinned a local manufacturer who did not care so much for "protection" as he did for patronage, Both speakers were Toted thanks and the audience dis- persed. |