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Show SUMMONS -5 cuict, Territory ot Ltali County ul Saul c t-. Jame Anu. rn, uluiiu m V3. ' v Demar.il Jocl-l. John Doe, deiOBtlAiit. To John Doe, whose name is otherwise un- " You are herehy iuiimoi;ed to appear before me, the tiiiueisighe-J, :n m otU:e in Fountain Green preoinct, Sunpete eouniv, Utah territory, terri-tory, on Tuesday the iX day ot ilav, 1S9-2 at 1 o'clock p. m to aii;W-er a ooiuplaiiit rilerl airainsi you in this eourt, by toe above nan.c-a p.aintili, on the 2'tth day ot April, 139-'. .Said action ia brought to recover iiorn you the sum of 20 cents for damages June to'tne said plaintilf, bv the 1 nllovviiie: described animal to wit : One red and lute hi iter, ' cir ,.M. marked with crop on and ?lit in ritrht ,-ar and slit in l.-n ear: branded lnof aicle over r on lftt nhonldcr. bsid animal is held fit the pivn. i -f i ut George t'towtiif r in Fountain Gr, en precinct. And you are hert by notified that if you tail to so appear and answer as above required the yi.uiinlf will trtke judgment against you for tiv said sum oi JO cci:i and kr costs ot keepins' said animals, and foreo-t-ot suit. To the sheiiri or any constable ot said comitv. Groetinir. Make les-ai fervlc? ai-d due returns tinreor. Given under my hand tins, Cild day of April, A,D. 1S92. H.f. Hassix 'Boon. Justice of the Peace. |