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Show No Indians. The Colorado delegation at Washington Washing-ton have for years endeavored to nave Colorado Indians re moved to Utah. So far as poM-ibi Ettion by this congress, it is oiseribed iu the following special tii.ipa.tch to the Herald of ruesday: "TiK re is no citaiuty that the bill providing for tho removal cf the Colorado Colo-rado Utes will pass the house. Sir. Kern of Nebraska, who wa selected to write the majority report, has finished hie walk and his report wn.9 presents! to the foil committee today. It will probably prob-ably be adopted by a majority of the committee at their meeting Thursday next, bat a minority report dissenting from the views of the majority will also be prepared. One of the members of the oomuiittee who takes strong ground against the bill U Mr. Lynch, of Wis-0)U6iu. Wis-0)U6iu. Krom his long residence in tha northwest Mr. Lynch has more or 1 s intimate knowledge of the Indian character. 11? thinks it will be hurtful to tlio IftJt degree to remove tho Indians from their Colorado reservation?. They have, he says, tho ekilisiug ititliteiice of the whitrs in closi proximity to their present home, and to remove them to the barren land? of southeastern Utah, where there is little, if any, opportunity to practice agricultural agri-cultural pursuits, would, he thinks, Hpse them back into semi-barbarism Bruin. Ho beiieves, too, that it would be nnjuat to the people of Utah to locate auy dditional Indians within the borders bor-ders of the territory, and this consideration, considera-tion, he says, is one which strongly in-fiueucea in-fiueucea Mm against the removal. He says the Indian Rights association and other societies friend I to the Ind an, have brought a strong pressnre to bear npon the house npoa the pending measure, and he thinks it is quite likely to te defeated wben.it comes up ; for action as it is to pass. lie says that ; there is no likelihood that the sena'e will consider it favorably and that it is practically dead, not only for this season, bnt for this Congress as well." |