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Show ling post erected, or the engineer of its Gripsacl', Satchel, or Valise railroad is furnished with a microscope to find the j place. Makes Comparison. The Brigham Bugler has tooted aud has very unkindly sought to compare Mauti with Xephi and Tooelo. It has not stopped at that outfage, but has even intimated it is not as 'prosperous" as Brigham. Here is-what it blows; "Xephi, Manti and Tooeio, not one of which is as prosperous a town as Brig ham, all have a good, satisfactory flourishing system of water werks-Almost werks-Almost monthly, new additions, improvements im-provements and extensions ere reported Just last week, thirteen hydraDts were sept to Tooele for fie use of new cus-tomers;last cus-tomers;last week Manti sent in an ordor for over 9,0t0feetof mains; (we stated 5.000 in last issue) and Nephi is adding over three miles of new mains to her systtm. These are three corkers for our high mucky-muck misrepreseuters to open their vials of wrath upon and attempt to coat over with their oily slime of bugabooism and untrntnftil-ness. untrntnftil-ness. We trust Brigham is as nice as that out of the way boneyard cau expect to be. It would, taken altogether, if properly prop-erly placed in one mound, make quite a respectable Sanpete mile post. The editor of the Bugler will have another i;em to write up when its little side, track town shall have another whist- |