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Show other reason than for sympathy's fake. It they would rub the powder with which they paint upon their teeth some bi'iieht wonld bB derived therefrom and their looks benefitted without injury to themselves or others who may Jsit by their Mile. Young ladies I love beauty, and I love uglyness to the same exten'. I'm not married, nor am I engaged to be married. mar-ried. I have read about all the rag-bees aud bumble-bees published in The Sentinel, Sen-tinel, have survived .the shock and hope to hear from some other bees in the near future. Ich biu. Hugo. HUGO CACHE On the Artistic Young Ladies of Manti. Utrum, Utah. April 20, 1S92. PKARllET-Ty: Jlanti Pan hr.at r-.tv?r$ : uui'i bM '.. far I atii Tes . They are not' only handsome, but they are good art ists. Thoy know how to ;paint 'pretty faces and anyone who knows how to do that must be an artist. Ia order to be an artist a person must be abl? to portray nature in its most beautiful form, improve im-prove upon that which was made perfect aud prononneed to be good by the great maker. He made everything, even pretty pret-ty faces, also ugly ones, and 'tis the latter which the young ladies so profusely pro-fusely uecorat6 with paint that they are afraid to go out in a rain storm for fear that their complexion will become streaked, and cause the young men to take a streak of tome other nature, the ruling of which would be ascribed to tho devil. Tltey must have read of the Indian who painted but one side of his face when he went to war because uly one side was of any value, aud the cou-88.iuence;s cou-88.iuence;s was that that half which was no: painted was shot off, leaving him wilh tho belief, "the half is better tLan the whole;" ctill with the half he got the hole in the ground. Had he painied his entire face he might have saved his lifo and his tribe the trouble of mourning. mourn-ing. As it was he fulfilled the scriptures, scrip-tures, namely: "If half of thy face offend thee, destroy it." It is better to go to the happy hunting cround with but half a fade than to be driven about by Uncle Sam's 6oldiers. . This Indian destroyed his face through painting, and the yonng lady who powders ia destroying destroy-ing hers. lYhen a person has anything too beautiful beau-tiful aud highly prized to be looked upon up-on it Is covered in order that no damage dam-age may befaii It; or if a person has a tliiug which is not very atractive, but is somewhat himiely and must be shown wherever tbe owner is shown, a remedy is sought wherewith to boautify that certain object. So it must bs wilh the young lady, or old, who paints. The face of any Jady in its natural complexion is never so beautiful that she will cover it with powder to keep it from spoiling nor does she exhibit it on raro occasions only, but every day and twice as many times on rare occasions. Then this iscot why she paints. If It is not tbe first it must be thelatterkiud of face ehe-pessesses. If her fe.ee ugly she paints lo beautify it, showing that she is not satisfied with it as given by nature, she is ashamed of her face, it is not good er oogh for her. or why would she try to make it Letter? If it is not good it must be tho opposite, bad. That which is bad is evil, and tbe bible says we should shuu all evil. That which is evil is not worth having: that which in not worth having is good for nothing;' that which is good for nothing no one would have; that which no cue' would have should amount to about the sum of nothing, and what reminds me tue most of nothing is tvhen I'm gazing upon up-on a young lady's face which is painted co the extent that her own parents would uot recognize her if met in a strange city. If she is ashamed of her face how' can she expect that others should not be ashamed of it? if for no |