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Show DO YOU WANT A PAPER? There are two promising fields where inducements have been held out to the owners of The Sentinel to remove this riant and start np a new paper, namely Gunnison and Castle bale. Either of these town?, so ssy our informants, in-formants, guarantee double the local patronage now enjoyed by this journal at Manti. The matter is under consideration. con-sideration. The local patronage en- joyed by this journal, however, is equal at this time aud even exc.iods that enjoyed en-joyed by the former owners of The Sentinel Sen-tinel for the corresponding period aud time last year as shown by our books of account and local receipts. The paper is running more matter, doins its best to pay its dPbts and as promptly as possible pos-sible paving its expensee. It is a democratic demo-cratic paper and cannot secure the patronage pat-ronage r'ven by way ot subscriptions of local county democratic leaders and office holders; and to tell tho tr .th, with the few exceptions so plainly apparent in our adverting colmui;?, its b.st friends are the icpublieans, who are uniformly prompt iu paying all their large and small accounts due us. It has come to this point, if th's journal is to, ho continued von will have to nav np the bilis due and owing. Its many accounts ac-counts are small in amounts, being mainly subscription-!, and if those which are now a year over due were even paid, it wonld enable its present management manage-ment to oil the works for quite a period of time in the future It is yet green in our memory when some of this peo. pie saw fit to criticise- the former appearance ap-pearance of this sheet, and at that time if thoe same critics had paid tne paper what they honeilly owed it would have enabled tht- proprietors to present it in as neat a dress as the readers now enjoy. en-joy. The editor has a feverish lenging to write up the reasons why some of the merchants of Manti have this j mi-nal mi-nal on their boycotted list. They are very funny. It would only serve to fo-enre fo-enre ridicule from t) press of Utuh Accounts will bd presented and this paper will be guided by the treatment I they receive. |