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Show Notice of Probate of Will j In thoprubate court in and for Sanpete con i ' t-v, tei ritoi vof I'tah. r ' In tbe matterof ihe estate of Thomas W asdei irectnseJ. t ' Notice ia lierc'oy given that Monda,t!e 9tli t dav of Slav A. D.lrjyi, at 11 o'clock a. tu. o( aid day, at paid court room of said court in th-j c ity of Manti, said county, is set for the proving prov-ing of the last will and testament of Thomas Wasden, deceapctl, and hearing the nj. plica- tinii of ,)o!in Knighton askinp: that letter I lestMiieiitury beirtsuud to him on Ptml estale; wbi'ii any per-ou iinerrtod mav appear ami contest the eaid will and may file objections in writi nt? to the panting of letters teatanuu tary to said John .ulghtou. Iated April 1, It-VJ, JulS rti?55io Clerk, |