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Show . . . SUMMONS 9. In the Justices court of Fairview precinct, Sitipete county, territory or Utah, before Guy C. Wilson justice of to peace, Amnsa Cox, plaintin, vs. John Doe de-dfendant. de-dfendant. To John Doe, whose name is otherwise unknown un-known : Defendent. You are hereby summoned to appear before this court on Thuisdav tiie l-jth day of Mnv, 1S'2, at 10 o'clock, to answer a complaint lile'd against you wherin said plaintiff claims the sum of Si. 00 damages caused bv your animal trespassing on his premises tit Vairview precinct, pre-cinct, taid animal is described as follows: One roan cow about 4 years old; red hed and necV"; Illegible brand on riht shoulder; crop and slit iu riht ear; crop and under half crop off lett ear. And you are hereby notified that If yon fail to so appear and answer said complaint at the time and place aforesaid, judgement will betaken against you tor $1.00 the aujouut of said damages the cost of keeping sid animal and the cost of suit. itated this 5th day of May. A. D. 1S92. Guv V. Wilson, Justice of the Peace. I |