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Show The Proo Academy. The closing and commencement exercises exer-cises of the Brigham Tonng academy at Provo will occnr Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, May 17-20,1892, writes Professor B. Cluff Jr. Tuesday At 12:30p. m., opening of the art exhibit, under the direction of Professor Pro-fessor Hofen, which will continue open for the week. Practical illustrations of the methods 0! the normal training school. Wednesday At 10 p. m., field day e.ercises, athletic sports, military drill contest on the campus. At 2 p. m, a game of ball on the public pub-lic square. Thursday At 10 a. m. normal day exercises. At 2 p. m. meeting and organization of the alumni. All graduates and former for-mer students of the academy are Invited Invit-ed to be present. Friday At 10 a. m., general commencement com-mencement exercises and awarding certificates. PROGRlU. 1. Song ' B. Y. A.," academy choir. 2. Prayer. 3. Mnsic, selection by the orchestra. 4. Principal's roporfr. 0. Address, by the president of the board, 6. Song and chorus, "Hark, the Merry Voice of Spring," Miss Hannah Han-nah Clark and choir. 7. Awarding certificates. 8. Speeches by the members of the board and distinguished visitors. 0. Closing song by the choir. 10. Benediction. At 2 p. m., commercial college day. Patrons of the school and the public are cordially invited to attend all the exercises. Friday evening, the commencement ball will be given. |