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Show 7 THe Salt Lals.e Music Dealers S ! J - estbv 250,000 ESTEY ORGANS IN USE, kktob. E V E Uy T H I X G IX THE MUSIC LINE EVERYTHING IN THE MUSIC l.IN'K . When The Hair fi.'iowi signs of laUiug, begin al once the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Xab preparation strengthens the scalp. promoWs the growth of new hair, restores the natural color to . gray and faded hair, and venders it soft, pliant, and glossy. "We liavo no hesitation in pronouncing Ayer's Hair Vigor unequaled for dressing the hair, and we lo this alter long experience experi-ence in its use. This preparation, preserves the hair, cures Gandruff and all diseases of the scalp, makes rough and brittle hair soft and pliant, and prevents baldness. "While it Is not a dye, those who have usad the Vigor ay it will stimulate the roots, and color-glands color-glands of faded, gray, light, at-d red hair, j changing the color u. A Rich Brown or even black. It will not soil the pillowcase pillow-case nor a pocket-handkerchief, and is always al-ways agreeable. All the dirty, gummy hair preparations shoold be displaced at once by Ayer's Hair Vigor, and thousands who go ground with heads, looking like 'the fretful porrupine' should Jiurry to the nearest drn store and purchase a bottle of the Vior.'' The Sunny Aon Aft, Atlanta. Ga. "Ayer's Hair Vigor is excellent for the-hair. the-hair. It stimnfatcs the growth, cures bnkl-fless-. restores Ifiie natural color, cleanses tlu calp, prevent dandruff, and is a good dressing. dress-ing. We know that Ayer's Hair Vigor uifTer ti-oin most hal tonics and similar preparations, prepara-tions, it being perfectly harmless." From Economical Rntktiping by Eliza II. Parker. liSjulkiiiltjfilMbll! "THE TIRELE53 TOTT.EIt FoP. TRADE P : " s j'.i - : ' Tours, anxious to plcap. Able vour doalrr for td. X. Hantley Co.'e IICHEST OLOTHSil 11 our Knot-i are ni in tie bs.ndB of sora VTOlliVKLTJ'KR section, ton enn PliO- ClTlii3 XIlt.M:f:-TM tho BEoT kNOWN and 7r.rf?f ',. M ,7T. t.;Ki)i::i vv iioUniilc Clothing Hottpe u the wro-IdJtrt yc:cc Unit will 1IAKK YOUB c.3 snauai-.rd ii.i,J.' ju gnesfing how -we can. i eiiord ii J 'O IT. If voar J).;AIJiB doea Dot tsopov-r goods. Ef-nd to n9 and we ILL fur-ni-5 rm a- Suit cr Overcoat, exrrnss or mail leldon receixof price. We ill win and hola . vcii paLi-oiaac ii voutry us will- n oiuer I Wo titfv bw.it up tiu.i iminoiEO lrMv.ea b? our , J:,?4viNslA;i.iN' inc.tiio.i3. aud by domg by other oth-er j cs wc v. oma oe f ouo i:o. L- Huxlux :; Co.. fctvlo Onymatoi-3. fffT In orderiU2 baits qr OvercoGta obnerra -,ii-'i5 Btnctlv folloxxnfi rules for nieasiie-tnni nieasiie-tnni : Breast me&.3ure. over vest. lose np-ni dc-r a!ti- Waiet measure, over pants. Icdid leg meaauro, iroui crotcn to noei. References ?3fc National Eanb of ChU cago. oapital go.OL-jjOO; Continental Aationaf Bank of Chicago, capital S2,000,oCO. ED. L HUNTLEY & CO., Manufacturers Manufact-urers and Wholesale Dealers in Ciothinc sr Men, Boys and Children, 122 and 124 Market St , Chicago, ItL P. 0. Box 667. Woven EEppiPia! WIRE i aiyliiy! f RABBiT tm POULTRY i I Tie McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co., 118 and ISO N. Martn at., f&lcngo. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARED BY SB. 3. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Mass-Sold Mass-Sold by DruggUts and Perfumers. The .Temple Hotel ! j Main Street Uailtl. j First Class Accommodations j All llioso vis-ting the Ti-repk- sliaiiM in-.1'iire in-.1'iire for tMs bon?f. Krce snavi-yaufc W the IVmple every ilay. Also liny, lir.iiu imJ St.'i-i'iip;. I to cure in:.- ta.ae of rheuniatiFm. .m) cine no ! pay. Cuii on or address F. E ?!i:lt-r, Manti. - Lmz FOR OALE in large and smali quantities, lot further particulars write or apply to CRAWFORD . & . BUCHANAN, manti, : : UTAH. ?":- 2. JiLeicalf (Prcvrieicr. j STONECUTTER AND C.U1VEH. A Specialty. Cut. Rock Fronts for Biiiklings Neatly Neat-ly Exi.'fllli-d. Cornrr of FiiatKurth a.'.d Mtiiu Rt3.. Manti. H, A, Tucket Candy Co. 80 E. 1st St. 2Sosa.lt X.ol.o City, i TIEADQUARTERS FOl! Fritz Brothers Cigars. Tlie Largest jsteam Factory in tlie ; West. CTURERS OP iFitie Candies for the ! Retail Trade. PATENT CP'ezNO 1P-p-.!7e book free. A.I i. is W. T. K1TZ C.EItAl.I), Al-. y-.-it Law. ! for. h and F M , V.-liiU!;tto, l. C. Tjoao o? rno 'twiajaa qiab s,83Bg -Ja auo39uaoj(i 4 'p&diT. &m g-fv -mssn D qjJBJBO JO 8iJ aiqtunouj ffe V;3 iro aoi 004OJJO S 0 3 nsy -aait -sia s.aTaoji. jq 'KSt'ji'.siidoo Xnaraej -jav-p. -S3 tm ffr t 'snotiriDjrB poipnyii pee 'sttSnoo -xoq 'poom jo u.W.oS V,ouni 3iuo,V -o,ij; sq niM. it joj pBd Xonora jo 'uoijdamvao j. Gbiu X.IOA3 ui itio jo agauc-q oj pjurvwiiiS si jj a;cj b ma.vLS pus uii ui ujjibj u Bi.'!PiBia jo lequj qiuiu eisf? jo easyo jo ut:iee -uoqi pmm ei a-ioaod&k.t IBOioy a?i&o B.aoa.ij( -ouaooJoAO aj 01 ei i ji 'omi'j ui uj;.cj 8.4 ysnui 'qocojttia'C s-j jc CiiojOBnoo -an ou A.-,:fi ij.-i suiijoia en uoon troq eri sus-jj A-(.-iO!0!3Ui EP.qj qot.u aofjil.ur.saoi (uoa uou-.i i(av uik4 w ao noi noata aaaj Aj?noioeooun o-vtii qoriA epmtss' pus ssouvaiAr5aii!.o.:$ 'ou-ociiia i jo Stoi at, 'qang oiioq i;i uS.ud Jisoxq rti -Nurjoaiiu e.tu no. u 'ojb iio -oox libisj 6l DO i2aiS3 3JH OOa StlL?qJ9 14iC);j GQUTjU T! lUOJITUiq pitr3 pU0 p.lWAUW VXi.l XiiV.Vr4i iuies-jiZ n u&ijAv.iiitq nodn ;oiiTU eaXiHiizar 'dfi-j naipij pus h,ovj ptiojftu.1 w no naa em oiu-onid pq'A8i jo pcui) -pni ttHiriv A::.l -.v '" :- f must De smiiK:: na u 11 ' ..-.-. , i , . 1 t 1 00 ! S F an t f , 1, i 1 nuh, 1 1 ee ' 1 a. cl a y in-.i.re-s t:.e m:t:i is-ore lorc.i.:. Al 1 l, L-i fu h ntl - made in 1: .r -e :-s ,' : -. .- , I .11, , I ' n' i U t .1. V 1 of ol.l, it is iruLe.1 a ' v. oruler-al lair p, lor lis tuar- ,v I ei u ii 1 r 1 1 1 lr ' n" h u f tofier than tloctric licht an.i r.mrc riieerfu! than enner. AfK to-k f.r t!.U5t-.mp-THE roc.if.ster. It .!.e1ampdea1erten-U1ieeot.rne 0:1, , '.V v ' i j ' vs' J ' j'-, r ' ' e 0 " - 10 VF7 itot H!-:sti:i: I.AIIP CO., 44 fark Mate, New tork uy. NO SECXINOCHANCE. g 1 FERRIS I M the largest in the world -Merit 1 ells. g Ferry's Seed Annual for 1S92 3 H tells the whole Seed story Sent free for the H asking. Uon'tsMi Seeds till you get it. D.M.FERRY&CO.,5!rf2!J?iShi' THE M ANTS LUMBER YARD, Manufacturer of ComlDination Fence ami dealer in ( Lumber, - Lath. - Moulding, Flooring, Etc. I am prepared to furnish t'je above goods to all parties both north and sjtilh, CHARLES TENNANT, Agent, JOHIJ GRIER, Manager. MASONS & MONUMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. DEALEK9 IU Oolite and Marble Monuments Head Stones, Etc, Stone Yard opposite Tithing Office &E0RGE. A. LOWE . Salt Lake City, Utah, dealer in all kinds of first class on Main street, Manti. THE UTAH : CRACKER FACTORY i t Received the first prize for its i SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, October, 1891. j HENRY WALLACE. - Manager. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Reaper?, Crown Mowers, Hodges' Header?, Tlanet Junior IIor?e Hoes and Garden Tool?, Superior Tress Grain Drills, the J. I. Case ' Threshing Machine, Ames' Steam Engine, ' Left'el Turbine Wheels, Lane Saw and Shin gle mill.. Agencies in all " the principal towns in Sanpete and Sevier counties. ScliTittler Farm and Freight Arag-ons I Combines the juice of the Blue Figs ot California, so laxative and nutritious, with the nuatiicinal virtues of plants known to be most benelic'.al to 'he human system, terming the ONLY PERFECT PER-FECT REMEDY lo a. genlly t promptly on tli-T 0 v- KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS CleansEihe System Effectuaily, ! 50 THAT I PURE BLOOD, J REFRESHING SLEEP, j HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Evsry one is using it and all a'rj delighted with it. Ask your Ii druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu- factured only by the f CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Ss raANCisco, Cal. tor.sviM.a, Kv XeivYok.N j Pluliini and Pip Fitting Done on Short Notice MACHINERY OF ALL KlNCjS REPAIRED AND ALL WORK WARRANTED H. R. SLOAN, For anything in tlie line of horseshoeing, tire setting and general repaiing work. rocured in the Uiut'-d S'ate't aud foreign coun-ries. coun-ries. Twetly-nv.- vctrs' expel icncc as solicitors elorethe Patent OIt--c :md a attorneys in patent atiacs belore the coui t.. lias c;ivcn lis an extensive .rjclice a exuerN. V, e ;'ivc sjtecial attention to at. reicclcd in other h:imR aUotointertl-rences, ppeals, reissues, trade-miirks, the preparation I opinion as lo inlringemeiit, scope and validity f patents, and Uo: prosecution and defense o' j Our book of instructions, terms, etc., lent Jtes. SP.OTH-B3, ; . quitabld Curding. 1003 F f,t , Washington, D. C. 'i i-Sl.t three stamtK for posta-e ou lialld- --ute illtisualcd bj .kia, Inventive Progress," j ui- our topical quarto centennial pamphlet for lymors, niauulacturei s. and tateutees, issued 1 a fflr twenty-fitth year of practice as specialists. It will piy you to buy your Crockery, Lamps and Silverware Glass, of us. BEST GOODS LOW PRICES CALLOWAY, HOGCK & CO. S3 West First South, Salt Lake, Utah, |