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Show Gapes in Chickens. If there is a person who still doubts the existence of the gape worm, let him take a young chicken, the younger the better, "that has the "gapes," hold the throat toward the rays of the sun, open the mouth and look down into the -windpipe. He . will see the red worms as plain as the day.. The feather treatment, treat-ment, says tho editor of The Fanciers' i Joumid, is simple and effective if care- fully used. We usually strip a primary I feather of tho web excepting a small j arrowshaped tuft on the end. A few j twists of tiio feather suffices to dislodge 'tho worms and-bring them to the sur-. sur-. face. A microscope will convince the I mo:,t skeptical that these "red chords," j which ono authority prouonnced them to be, are living organisms. |