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Show SUMMONS-8 In the Justice's court. Fountain Green pre-ciuet. pre-ciuet. Territory ot I'tah County af Sanpete. John L.Jewkes, plaintiffvs. Join. Doe, defendant. de-fendant. Demand $1-00 To John Doe, whose name is otherwise unknown: un-known: Greeting. You are hereby summoned to appear before me, the undersigned, at my office in Fountain Green precinct, Sanpete county, Utah territory, terri-tory, on Thursday May 12, A. D. at o'clock p. m. to 'answer a complaiat liHd against you in this court, by the abova u&fjed plaintiff, on May 3, A.D. 13lU. baid action is brought to recover from von the sum of $1.00 fur damages done to the said plaintiff, by the following Uejrerlbed animal to w it : one blue mare about S years old., branded on left thigh, Oue sorrel coit 1 ycir old: bsuded R X on right tuigh. Said animals are held at the promises of George Crowther iu Fountain Green precinct. And you are hereby notified that if you luit to so appear and answer as above required, the rlnintifl will take judgment against you fc.rthe said sum ot Jl.oo and for costs of keeping said animals.and for costs of suit. To the sheiiff or any constable of Baid county. Greeting. Make lei;al service ard due retnrns thereon. Given under my hand this oth day of May, A,D. 1S92. H. C. Hansen Bogh, Just iee of the Peace. |