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Show Sign and return to this oilicc. 6 4 I Vn,, . V a 5 - a e -g - . 2 2 2 5 iiT f l i 8 " l " 1 1 THSMA'Ti ROLLER MILLS l:-LL K DKCKSR, .LESSEE. M.VStT-VCTl-KKR OF THL LES" uRADES OF FLOUR .-" ( ir i.T- . . i ; t i C.i: re-;i 'tideiice solicited. Custom Work a Specialty. THE TEM PLE DRUG STORE THERE IS ALWAYS ON IIAND A FULL Sl'PPLY OF Lily of .the Valley f VALLEY TAX REMKDIRS While Rose FACE POWDERS AhUcLilr..; J. PERFUMES COL IRIX'S LINIMENT JfC Club Neil M.-wu Hay j GAXFIELD TEA PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. PROFESSIONAL. FB. NEWTON", painter ana Beprator. Artistic Slgu Work a Specialties. MDli, '-till.. OTKlSGnAJI STRtXCUAM. ' O Sentinel Art Parlors. Photographers Main Street. ' lanti. H.SPERRY r tonsoriai- Artist Manti, Ctab." J J. HANSEN, f General Houelnilil.-r. P. O. Box 59, Manti, Utah. TDOCTII & WILSON, J- Attorneys nt Law and I.au l nmee Asents SS Nortn J street, Vvovo, UtaU J W. WmiECOTTON. A. I. ('ASH. Whitecotton & Gasii, Attoroeys at Law. Rooms JO atd 12, Bank llniKiiivi' l'rovo..l't2hr ? " " SALT LAKE DIR'OC TORY r)ANIEL C, LEEKA- Der.tal Surgeon. Eooasl and!, Girara Block, U West Kacond Sooth tret,Salt Lake Ciiy, Utah. pOWERS HILBi Attorneys and Coun'solors. THE MANTf" CflrOPERATlffI - Mercantile Institution Invite alter tion to their large and varied assoriment of ladies Newmarkets, Jackets Jack-ets and Shawls, misses' and children's Wraps, ladies' and misses' Muslin and Merino underwear; men and boys' Suits, Overcods, Iiats, ;Caps7 Boots Shoes, lub bers, " " " Arctics, Hc-e, Gloves and Mittens, Fascinators in great variety; Satin, Moire and Velvet Ribbons in "ail shades; 54-fnch all-wool Suitings at 60 cents per yard; Cashmefes from 25 cents to 1 25 per yard. ECAD-E RESIAFRANT. James Guthrie & Co. 127 M-in Stf.-t. Attorney at Law . ..' Eooins 44-45. Central block, 4fi West Second South sirtet. Salt Lake, Ltaa. I gTIEHL; A CKET.GHTON, , j . Surgeon Dentists 58 West Se;onil South stiect. Salt Late (Jlly. -ytTlt. NEWTON. ' E. CA5IPF1F.LD. j Newton & Camplield, Attorneys at Law. Lion Klocc. ?nlt I.afce. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Work, Style, Fit and Prices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailor's Trimming!- Always on. 'Hand: Suit9 Made to Order on Short Notice. - EDWARD REID, - Proprietor- Wm. T. Re i d, PROBATA ATTORNEY AtN-O LAND A-C3-33JSr rT1 AU UN0S of Probate business promptly attended at-tended to, and litlfis secured to Land under the various entries . Office, Court House. MantirUtab. GITY DECG ST0BE, , " HEADQUARTESS FOP.- Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery, Per-fumery, Toilet Articloc-. Eto. (Perscriplions CaifvJ'.ly fule& '. at aU hours. - ' MRS. I. B. ERTIKEL, Prop BARNARD WHITE, J. F. GRANT, F. R. SNOW, President. Vice President Secretary and Treasurer, W.B.PRESTON, MORONI SNOW, W. W BURTON GEO. A. SNOW. DIRECTORS. ESSP.iiH- HZ A iJ li ..I to Sulky Clipper r.o'v Igfi Plows tLSj Steel p'ews 'DENTIST. -FIRST-CLASS WORSC.-fei - IENTU TREATMENT fiU'RANTEED. MANTI, - - - - TDAH eio.voww.i.,. Physician and Su-geon. pedal atten' ion given to the nope anb throat Falrview Citv, i;tah. McCORiVlACK i!ACHINES CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT CO. We ahvav- ca-rv a full stock f A'agons Bugjies and farm implements. Houses at Salt Lake, Osden, Logan M iford, Utah; and Idaho Kails, Idaho. EL R.Sloan, - - - Agents. WALTER STEINGII MI IS prepared to fill all orders for Linte large or small. will be delivered to any -part of the town 01 County, at reason-1 reason-1 ' able prices. |