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Show FLOWER AND TREE. Nicaragua has a peculiar plaut of one leaf, which is thirteen feet long. It is strange, though true, that in Asia and Africa, where grass will not grow, the most beautiful flowers and shrubs flourish to perfection. The flora of the east coast of Florida cotv tains many species from the West Indies, which have been brought by theequatorial currents through the Uarribean sea hue the Gulf of .Mexico and around by the Ciulf St ream. The Arabs believe that the yftte-pttlm brings happiness and contentment to the country in which it grows. It is a beautiful beauti-ful tree, tall and straight, sometimes reaching a height of siity feet. The leaves are from eight to ten. feet long. and. the spadices, or fruit bearing branches, grow frow 10 to 200 dates each. Mr. Franci& Darwin has proved by experiment ex-periment th.at insect or meat fed pi.ms bear heavier and more seeds than those unfed. He grew two lots under srmilar conditions, feeding one with roast meat and the other with nothing. The pampered pam-pered plants bore 240 seeds to the ethers' iOO, with a superiority in weight ot seeds. |