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Show MOUNT PLEAS . In aelcs;ly eouusted e'sj dem-O.'rats dem-O.'rats of Mount PKasaat vere defeated tin, their banners are tlyicg. This speaks well for their splenJid organization. organiza-tion. The vttte last fall was: Democrats 85, liberals 74, republicans 100. Combining Combin-ing tbe liberal and republican vote it would last fall havp been 174, a liberal-republican liberal-republican majority of 89. Iu this content con-tent the hijjbest liberal-repnblican ma-jurlty ma-jurlty was 41. showing a democratic gaii ef 69 and a libsral-repabliaaa gain of 9 votti. This speaks volumes for the demiicracy of Mount Pleasant. lhegatlmeu who were successful are gooi per'e and 'he ebange ef party par-ty in fewer may be of benefit to Mount Plaant, Tjey are in every way quali Sed te fill the respeetire offices to which they aspired. The new mayor and eucil will outline their work for the ensuing term at any early day, and our Bister city will move forward with new blood in hr reins. Eternal vigilance and incentive backed by brain and all puliing together to get to thb fror.t make villages cities, and now, after hostilities have ceased, democrats, republicans and liberals can again work harmouously in this direction with politics laid aside. This journal contends the election, the manner in which it was conducted and the results . achieved aod recognized recog-nized by the vjctorsand vanquished, is another triumph of American institu" tions in a suspected dark county of Utabi It speaks loudly of the ability of thii territorial people for self government govern-ment fer home rule,' Opposition to this doctrine comes from a class whose central Salt Lake power is for spoils ouly. The emoluments emolu-ments heretofore granted liberals by both the Cleveland a id the Harrison administrative are no longer possible to the liberals.the several administrations appoinmeuts hereafter being granted to members of the Utah branches of the two national patties, will cause all the county liberal organizations to disband as have the liberal in Sanpete. Both the national parties In Utah are eomiitttd to the doctrine of seif-gov-erBent, and opposition In tho future ean oe enly from a class of offlte selj aai snch an opposition readily meltVswiy. Itnettut of wreng doing, without a ssaiid, rasouable argument against them, jeang Utah moves forward irre-Bisably irre-Bisably to the front. Those who hold the doctrine that a people mu9t prove themselves not guilty even in advanee of an indictment wiil be speedily sat npon and when Uucle Earn rises up the liberals will bo longer hold out the briar and tarred stick for the olive branch and the light band. |