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Show NOTICE OF ENTRY OF L4ND. Notice is hereby given by theundersigncl, tho mayor of Moroni city, in Sanpete county, that 1 have entered, at the United Slates land oair.e at Salt Lake citv, rtah territory, lor and int)fhlfot tlie Inhabitants of Moroni city in Sanpete county. Utah territory, the following described land, to wit: Tbe south lialf of the soiith-vef"to.uarlorof section two; the noriii--eust quarter ot the north-east quarter of aoe-tioD aoe-tioD nine; the north half of tlie north-v.ait -quarter and norih-east quarter of seetion ten, and the north wept quarter of seetiou elev-at all in the township ot ilfteen south, of ruiifo three east of Salt Late iu?rklian, Utah teni-torv, teni-torv, aDo" containing five hundred and twenty acres. Public notice is hereby given to 'dl persons or person, associations or corporations, . -claiuiiug to be the rislittnl owners of posses-- posses-- sion, occupant or occupants, or to be entitbd to the occupancy or podeS3iou of such land as above described, or to anv lot, blocK, share or unreel thereof,, to file with the clerk -of the probate court of Sanpete county, a ; statement in writing containing an aecur.-e description of the port.cular parcel a parcels of land in which he, fene or they elaiffl to haw ; any (merest, and the specific right, Interest, tjr 1 estate therein, which he, she or they claim to : be enl itled to receive. Said statement to lie ; tiled within six months from the date of tlc , Jir5t publication of this notice, I Hated fit Moroni city, Febru.ty 2?., A. -,lS-.if. ANt'RF.W L JKNSEN- I Mayor of Moroni City. , |