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Show REMEMBER THE RELIABLE ONE - PRICE CLOTHING COMPANY OF SALT LAKE CITY - Mgn'iSuit: Our !' 12 ami IrVdollar Suits now 5, 7 ami S dollais. T?A C Thfll B ' 'VZT iO im ..' See our Men's White Laundried Shirts at 65 cents and 4 ply Collars at - Fine Spring Owo:sN at iO dollars, worth 15 dollars. Mens Hosiery : j W M U L CS A L i h4 M Kjf.'f fl Af l AFJD RETAIL 10 cenU and Cuffs at 20 cents. Underwear at 82i cents and 50 cents 2,000 pair Men's Drown British Half Hose; also fast black, cost CO cents " N'l ft V'll I? I fV-U fiV' ll . each. We carry a' full line of Spring Hats at way-down prices. Call to import, now selling for 20 cents or six pair for $1. 15 and IJ West g jj j l U y H U y 1 SeCOnd South. and see us. No trouble to show goods. ' . WATCH OUR ELEGANT DISPLAY WINDOW. . - ' - o Our goods are marked down to the lowest notch in plain figures. GrlIY, IOSS TE95?T. Morlan Block . j 11 . i ' AT GRIER'S OPERA HOUSE FOR TWO TSTIGrXKn?m MP, 0m B. ilTOAY The distinguished heroic actor, anpportod by the gifud emotional actress Miss Luella Lindsay, the charming comedienne. Miss Kditii Liiidsay, and a talented dramatic company. Friday evening, May 13th, the gre&t sensational melodrama .in six acts, " THo Silver ILlxiS-" Saturday night's play will he announced from the stage on Friday evening. Rowe. Morris, Summerhays Co. DEALERS IN We have the best natural LEAF TOBACCO in the terrritorj for dipping. dip-ping. Also M'ool Sacks, Fleece Twine, Sheep Shears, Etc. BiLLT CITY, TJtftH.. , f. O. Box 77S. Correspondence Solicitd Stringham & Stringham, THE BAP.Y SNATCHERS, ARE GOOD AT TAKING BABIES. Fotografs while you wait but they are not like this etching. Beware of imitations imi-tations and get a genuine picture of yourself. The American Farmer. Home Magazine Maga-zine and Woman's Work one year free. Stand- affl ESTERN Q 11 jtt. ajfc 1fc-. i Time tale No. 12, in effect May 1, 1S9J. WEST B DUND EAST BOUND 6:oo ptr Ogden Dcp 8:00 . 4:45 " Salt Lake " p:io 4:24 " Bingham " 9:29 3:20 , Provo " 10:30 3-9 " Springville " 10:40 2:30 " Thistle " 11:30 1:47 " Indianola " 12:12 " Milburn ' 12:47 1:00 " Fairview " 1:00 12:42 " Mt Pleasant " i:i3 12:27 ' Spring City " 1:33 12:02 Ephraim " 1:58 11:42 Manti " 2:18 11:26 " Sterling " 2:34 it. 10 " Gunnison ' 2:50 10:30 Dc-p Salina Ar 3:30 Forenoon time in italic figures. rulluaan Palace Sleepers on all through trains. N -changes, close connectioas, safety speed and onmfort. h CllOlVf, J. H BEN-NETT General lilanager. Gen. prt. Pass Agt. A. fi. WFLBY, Gcn'l Snpt. General Ottlcea, Salt Lake city Utah TDTTLE & STAGEY lire Insurance. MANTI. - UTAH Authorized Agents for the folj lowing Comp anies : Etna of Hartford, Hartford of Hartford Cantinentalol n. V. Home of New York Columbia of Portland. Ohio. f ; " s. E. cok. ' '- Main33SouthStv' ts J s, I WiLFORD WOODRUFF, GEO. M. CANNOX, President. Cashiei. Cash Capital, SOO,000. Reserve, ?M0.00O. ZiDn's Savings Bank ASTD TIUTST COMPANY Nos. 1 one. 3, East Temple, Salt I.akeCitv, Cub. Savings business attended to with cafe and dispatch. Five per cent interest allowed, compounded quarterly, on any sum fuom J dollar up. D1RECTOBS: Wiiford Woodruff. George Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smiib, Francis M. I.yiuun, Angus M. Cannon, .lames 3& k, Lorenzo Snow, H. K. Clawson, T.G.Webber, HberJ tyrant, George Reynolds, Antbon H. Lund, L. G. Hardy. TilE OLDEST AND LARGEST SAVINGS BASK IX UTAH. We desire your deposits and guarantee fair treatment. Save your money with us that you may have it and inter est thereon when you need it. "PIKE'S PEAK ROUTE" OhOKADO MIDLAND RAII WAY Superb keener,. All Slandm d buae. Short-' est line between Ogden, Salt Lake and all lu stern points to Denver, Colorado Springs. 1 1-ueblo, and all points east, via uleuwood S'.'PSeV Aspen, l.eadville and Maniton. , EQUIPMENT UXSlRPASSEn Through Pullman sleepers aud Pullman tourist cars between Denyei aud San Fran-eiseo Fran-eiseo Through the heart ot the Roekv mountains. The most comfortable, the safest aud tiie grandest of an transcontinental routes. Tr.ins leave union depot, ocden, at s ,M a. m. Rio Grande Western depot, Salt LakeOity.at 9:50 a. in. and 9:.i p. m. 1, o U 4 B' Rnett, General Agent. 41 West Beconfl South street. E. M- WORKS PROPRIETOR OF THE Manti Planing Mills All kindsof Siding, Moulding, Flooring, Doors, Windows, Sashes ete. constantly on hand and made to order. One block west from tbe Temple hotel. |