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Show tl f TTv ANATION-WDE I J.CPenneyCo. "Where Savings Are Greatest" MILFORD UTAH Service to the VALUES Entire Community 1 The fact that the public has TU AT IMpI ITHp encouraged us, year after year, lllil lllvLUlsIj to extend our field of usefulness 'T. to new communities makes us npPFWnARI F realize more keenly that our 1Ll LllUflDLL business is becoming more and " more a Service to the entire AIT A I ITV country. IjUMil I In the last year the number of our stores has grown to more than a thousand 1024 to PRINTED RAYON be exact-and every one of Summer Undies them is dedicated in good faith to the work of providing great- The vogue for prints makes er economics for the home, for these garments attractive, humanity. 98c aml SI. 98 To serve satisfactorily is the greatest achievement of retail storekeeping. We strive to SUMMER FROCKS serve even more satisfactorily Qf pagtel s;lk with each succeeding year. Dainty and cool sizes for women, misses and juniors. .3 e $4.98 " 1 . n 4 " SATURDAY, MATINEE and NIGHT TOM MIX in "TUMBLING RIVER" I H IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI -Last chapter "Golden Stallion" and Comedy- j SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY WEDNESDAY, 4th JULY -Matinee Sunday 2 p. tn feepdSl, $ DOLORES DEL RIO LADY BE GOOD j with p IN . Dorothy Mackaill, Jack Mulhall ! ft, 'RAMONA' I Te Mo. He E7 1 Added Attractions Special Prelude, "SPANISH NORMA SHEARER f NIGHTS" DAN FERGUSON "IN SONGS," ' IN iff STAN ATKINS, Jr., "VIOLIN SOLOIST" 'TUV APTRFW 1 DICK KELLY, "AT THE PIANO" 1HL HL1IYLOO . Li ,P also "Should Women Drive" 'If PRICES Matinee 10c-25c Nights, lac-35c . NOTE these prices are by special permission from "United " j ij Artists" as 'R.amW is one of their outstanding pictures and Coming ROD LA ROCQUE in has higher admission price restriction. urT r r-ivr vat 17"' i Pi PA THE NEWS THE HUMAN FLY "HOLD 'EM YALE N , E'i THF Canning and Preserving Season is upon Us! RASPBERRIES, CHERRIES and CURRANTS will be next in Order. Leave your order with us for any fruit desired, and we will satisfy you. Fruit delivered the morning after it is picked We also carry a full line of bottles, tops, rubbers, sugar, and all mother Canning Requirements. NOW !N SEASON atermelons Raspberries Cantaloupes Cherries Tomatoes Apples Green Peas Peaches String Beans Apricots Lettuce Currants Radishes Plums Carrots, Beets Oranges and Turnips Bananas Cold Meats Spring Chickens Ham and Bacon Lunch Goods of all Kinds. LET US FIX IT YOUR CAMPING LUNCH THE WHITE MARKET SERVICE, QUALITY and HONEST WEIGHTS flfLli ..i l mivTj I vv i " , 29x4.4021 i v S 1 0-65 1 1 ! OiKer i'e priced proportionally lew ' j Get the m MOST I j from your 1 Tire Dollar j Buy quality at low prices. -' and get our long-milage . -p j service sure way to cut . j ttre costs. Firestotie builds Fr'. i more mileage into tires K i you need our service to get ; it all out of them. We have complete equipment, includ- j. ing a repair depic.'tmer.t, jk ; where we rebuild iujur-sd . ! tires at lowest coi Vve lj' save vc.r, money aruJ serve P y:-u better. - A coiiiisk'te line of Fin;stonc-Built Thcs 1 at Lowest Price r ! L. G. CLAY, Dealer MILFORD, UTAH r , t, m uvu,.j-j!fUmm. mi jiwM-.iwf..,.,i .mil, uinm. ...,. i'n "w ' "" -v- r'r'-J T i-rit I'm iaiitr"- nniiir r-n-iMi-i ii - a --"--'-j--- : . IL1M1L HJIill-l-lai L-MliilMllMMWlMWI'"" "MII",MI11 "" T P ' psrldin1 SpociS spend your money as wisely as you save it, the same as selecting a good bank to keep your savings pick out a good store the thrifty save ??, in spending as well as in saving here's an opportunity to invest money : j in the widest possible manner. We have selected many sparkling specials j 3 to present to you for the end of our Semi Annual Sale. A few are listed E ! below, many others are on special display throughout the store. .; jj CLINE OFFERS A CONVINCING HOSE SPECIAL LADIES HOSE jfj Best Grade Rayon In Every New Shade. These are Hose That , Z555!;; Will Give the Utmost In Wear H FOR NEW DRESSES will attract every ' - T Ct thrifty shopper. Colors and styles that are the O & ij;,; hit of the season; we have sold dozens and dozens ,"TJf !i;N of these dresses and every one has been a beauty; we &Jr 'tfy. now have another assortment better than ever before" (jc! Also there is a lot for $2.95 that is extra good for the? jfti money and then there are plenty for those who like dresses5j!( ; of the better grades; every one marked down to the lowest pos- ,j sible price' level. fe'i j ti VALUE ALERT MEN WILL DELIGHT IN THE PURCHASE OF THESE -! STRAW HATS In this lot are values that are worth from double to 1 1 triple the price, we want to clean them up before the Fourth. It is a real $30 1 I - opportunity to get your summer headwear. i ?l'r IS CLEVER TO BE THRIFTY PURCHASE A SUPPLY OF THESE iv? SSHOUSE DRESSES AND APRONS AND SAVE SUBSTANTIALLY ; Prints, percales and ginghams made by people who specialize in (he nianu- j; pSjjfac'ure of HOUSE APRONS and they surely know how to fet the j t-'j '0tiest STYLES and PATTERNS. Yon cannot buy the t p.J Scowls alone for the price vou can huv these for ,. For every pair of ALLEN-A CHIFFON HOSE5!!!?, ftn& I V These include the $2.00 Grades of aU threadS? i SUk Pico tops the Pointed heel with same andw ' p black Heels AU the $1.75 Grades of plain ChiffonsTw Colors from Black to White and 21 Colors Between. GIRL'S SUMMER KNIT UNIONS N0 SLEEVES AND 10 I Knee Length ages 2 to 16 yrs. jj Athletic models, or M - Johnston Knit Unions Shot t Sleeves i7e I PER YARD for Cambrics, per- CT ' cales, or Crettonnes, that are e ' j not to be excelled anywhere at t () j Designs and colors hat are from 4 " plain to gorgeous. '.f" ( fe f 1. 1 -SEE THEM- 9fhA HTIf? |