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Show PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AM CLJNE Attorney-at-Law . Jefferson Block Milford, Utah UM. F. KNOX " Attorney-at-Law Will Practice in All the Courts of the State BEAVER, - - UTAH OHORTY'S BARBER SHOP First Class Barber Work Beauty Parlor in Connection FRIGIDAIRE THE - CHOICE - OF 'THE MAJORITY A small deposit makes your ice-box a Frigi d aire raf HERE'S an easy, inexpensive way to make the finest icebox ice-box better. Simply have the Frigidaire cooling unit installed. Once this is done, there's no more ice to buy. Foods are kept in temperatures that safeguard health. And carefree, quiet, automatic, economical electric refrigeration that demands no time or thought is yours from that day on. This transformation transfor-mation costs but little. And the money saved by Frigidaire quickly saves the amount of the small investment. Visit our display room and ask about this modern method of refrigeration that is now the choice of more than half a million users. Learn how a small deposit and easy terms put this equipment in your home. FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCT OF GE NERAL MOTORS Telluride Power Company BOXING 1 AT I DELTA JULY 4th MAIN EVENT - I MACK PAYNE vs. BOBBY MASON I (Fillmore) 6 rounds (Salt Lake) I BABE HERMAN vs. PAUL HARDY 1 (Salt Lake) 4 rounds (Salt Lake) I JACK RAY vs. FITZ POLI I (Salt Lake) i rounds . (Salt Lake) I OTHER GOOD PRELIMINARIES BY LOCAL BOYS RODEO RACING FIREWORKS DANCING BASEBALL IN THE DAY 9 MAKE SHORT WORK OF HAYING RELY ON McCormick-Deering Tools Wherever sweep rakes and stackers are used you will find plenty of McCormick-Deerings. They are popular because they are easy to operate and give years of service. There are three types of sweep rakes. The two-wheel, three-bar rake which is a well-made, moderate-priced rake. The teeth are raised or lowered by the driver shifting his weight forward or backward, the seat being arranged to slide for this purpose. The 2-A rake is a three-wheel machine operated by means of a lever. The 4-B rake is a four-wheel rake with power lift, and is the highest quality sweep rake that can be bought. There are three styles of stackers: overshot, swinging, and high-lift. The overshot stacker will build stacks 16 1-2 to 18 1-2 feet high. The swinging stacker will build stacks 22 to 25 1-2 feet high semi-circular and any length desired. The high-lift stacker is designed especially for the alfalfa country and is made in two sizes, one for building stacks 25 feet high and the other for stacks 30 feet high. So many of these stackers are in use that you can probably see one of the types you are interested in within a few miles of your place. Come in and we will tell you where you can see one at work. MORRIS & SONS FEED STORE H. M. Jennings, Manager Wholesale ; Retail FEEDS FOR EVERY NEED Farm Machinery NOTICE WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN HAVE ANY KIND OF HOME BUILT THAT YOU WANT? We Will Build you a home with a small payment down, and the balance of payments less than rent. FOR SALE Two 160-acre relinquishments in the Milford Pumping District. Close to the power" line. $5.00 an acre cash, or will accept exchange on Salt Lake property. TWO HOMES FOR SALE where no down payment is required. Monthly payments like rent. If 'you want a home this is your chance to get it. 80 ACRES in the heart of the Pumping belt. $55.00 an acre. Twenty years to pay. 40 ACRES Choice pump land. $55.00 an acre. 20 years to pay. ! KIRK REALTY COMPANY I i 1'hone 133 MILFORD, UTAH .Williams lilock i |