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Show SNAPPY FACTS - ABOUT fe) RUBBER Inadequate traction Is one of the causes of automobile smash-ups in winter traveling. travel-ing. Inadequate traction can be due to smooth tires that , should be recapped. Rubber had a strong Influence In the spending of 17 billion dollars on street and highway construction construc-tion and maintenance In the U. S. In the ten years ended 1942. The materials used In the making of cord fabrics for synthetic motor vehicle tires are the same as used in prewar pre-war natural rubber tires-cotton tires-cotton and rayon. i J BEGoodrich 1 i GODEN SHAKES OF . WffEAr AD BKAV I SCOARSWEET I TEADEK XASAS J delicious NEW breakfast idea It's a magic combination of crisp Post's 40 Bran Flakes plus tender, ten-der, sweet, seedless raisins ... right in the same package ! You'va never tasted anything so delicious. Ask your grocer for Post's Raisin Bran in the big blue-and-whita package today. yipost liLyJjj fey Cereal hiffhi I 0?l easy way to I UNCORK STUFFY NOSTRILS jr- Nostrils clogged, 40- ) aembranei f ' swollen? Quick, vlv.' ':0-0-:: ' spread cooling ' Mentholatum M$$:B'- I in nostrils. Snuff V f ' , 1 well back. Speed- r-"' -::--Ckyr-' . 4 ' I)yitBtart4vital 4:nWj&MTL$ actions: Helps I 1) Thin out thick mucus; 2) A, Soothe irritated membranes; V) Reduce swollen passages; K! J 4.) Stimulate local blood supply to"sick"area. Every krmmmJ breath bring quick, wei- SfnE? comerelief. Jars.tubesSOt. ' (V?? V;OMEtl'38io52'f are you embarrassed by E HOT FLASHES? I QLvVlf you suffer from hot flashes, leel weak, nervous, hlghatmng, ft bit blue at tlmee due to the functional func-tional "mlddle-oge" period peculiar to women try this great medicine Lyd la E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Plnltham'a Compound helps nature. It's one of the beet known medicines for thl purpose. Follow label directions. SAVE YOUR SCRAP Ji TO HaP GAIN IWICTORY Old METAL, RAGS, RUBBER and PAPER |