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Show Classified Ads WANTED Man to work in service serv-ice station. Will be permanent to the right party. Either lease or salary. sal-ary. Apply to Wasatch Southern I Gasoline Company, Pleasant Grove, I Utah. 2x 46 WANTED Dressed hens, any breed, any number. Joe Fidel, Phone 104F1. tt. FOR SALE A house and lot 3 blocks from Clark Street. See Cloy Broderick at Pace Motor Co. 2xp HEAL ESTATE LOANS Will make First Mortgage loans at reasonable rates on Irrigate Farm Property. List your property with us if you wish to sell it. MILLER & VIELE, Realtors Box 807, Salt Lake City 10, Utah FOR SALE I still have some work horses and choice city lots for sale, cheap. See P. T. Black. 3x 46 FOR SALE Good Velvon, Seed Barley. See Bryant Larson, Sutherland. Suther-land. 2x 323-30 FOR SALE $4500 We have a very good 80-ac. farm Northwest of Delta. 80 Shares water and good 6-rm home. AMERICAN HOUSING CORP. 121 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City FOR SALE A '38 Ford, lVi ton truck. '41 Mercury motor been overhauled. over-hauled. Good Tires. Lindy Chris-tensen, Chris-tensen, So. Tract. lxp HOUSE FOR RENT. Also FOE SALE Gas Engines, Shasta Too Setter, Silex, Bed Springs and Mattresses, Mat-tresses, Range Stoves, Heatrolla Tubs, Chairs and Tables and etc Cash Register, Scales and alsc ladies don't forget there is an extra ex-tra Tax at the Dance. Mrs. Van Above Restaurant. lxp FOR SALE A settee, and gate leg table. Mrs. Fred C. Jewkes Lyman Row. lxp LOST A metal belt, gold color Lost in town. Reward. Return it tc the Chronicle. LOST A bill-fold with $25 in currency in it, no name. Mrs. Martha Mar-tha Eardley. lxp FOR RENT 2-room furnished house. Good location. Inquire ol Betty Colby. 1 FOR SALE Modern 7-Rm. brick home. See Harold Wind. 2x 46 ;rff (Ml Admiration . . . You'll rate the approval of all members mem-bers of the opposite sex in this flatter-i. flatter-i. ing suit fashioned of 10 per cent all- wool crepe. Faultlessly tailored, it features a cardigan neck line. SIZES, 9 to 17. Sgj.50 MABEL'S TIRES ... We have the following size tires on hand for sale to holders of tire purchase permits 4.75-5.0019 Passenger ( 5.25-5.5017 5.5016 6.0016 6.5016 6.0020 6 ply Truck 7.0020, 32x6 10 ply Truck 6.0016 6 ply Truck Also Inner Tubes in These and Other Sizes All tires are synthetic rubber. Grade L except ex-cept the 5.5016 and 6.5016 which are genuine gen-uine pre-war rubber. We guarantee only that tires are of the grade ' represented, and prices do not exceed ex-ceed ceiling. We do not make any service or mileage guarantee. Morrison Motor Co, Delta I have taken over the agency for Case Farm Machinery and will open for business early in April in the former location of the Delta Valley Company (opposite the post-office) post-office) where I will have new machinery and many parts on hand for Case owners. Reed Turner |