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Show R? PATTERNS (Jl SEWING CIRCLE (Iti j j Ilfff J:- I fffiA pink and white checked cotton. m -KlfimSli i?fi:; I Make the collar and cuffs of sheer f BjVft'I Hffl --"iV'ftfl l 36V ffl Pattern No. 8674 Is in sizes 12, 14. 16, -jSL jTCl'lr'-1 1 TZZj t:ffl';"ffi ls- 20 and 40- size 14' short sleeves, re- tTxJTT' .u ' '' ' Itf 1 011 1 1 'lB quires 4li yards of 39-inch material. Send your order to: C"' 'J I SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 1 149 New Montgomery Street V IV San Francisco Calif. Enclose 20 cents in coins for each I OOO pattern desired. ( 10-20 Pattern No Size I J Name Flower Applique. Address colored tulips appliqued' ' ' on a pink linen frock will delight de-light you and your admirers this spring! Make the dress in any material a dark color takes a light applique a pastel color takes a bright applique. Pattern No. 8587 is in sizes 10. 12. 14. 16. 18 and 20. Size 12. short sleeves, requires re-quires 3Ya yards 39-inch material; V4 yard for tulip appliques. Slimly Pretty. '"PHE knowing simplicity of a beautifully cut Princess frock is a feminine trick which every girl knows! And why not? There's nothing more utterly flattering than these lines. Try it in pale if tmOAT ' IS SORB gs IF A COLD has given you 'C a miserable sore throat, g here's how to relieve the K. suffering. y" ' DO THIS NOW Melt a small lump of VapoRub on your tongue and feel the comforting medication slowly trickle down your throat bathing the irritated membranes bringing blessed relief where you want it, when you want it. DO THIS TONIGHT Rub throat, chest with VapoRub. Its long continued con-tinued poultice-and-vapor action loosens phlegm, relieves irritation, easescough- gtffC ing, invites if ' restful sleep. V VapoRub Spokane Is Sun Spokane is an Indian name for Sun. fcDIAPEP Soothe, oool, relieve f M M I I diaper rash often pre- II ti II vent it with Mexsana, II j II e a3t'rulKent medicated I I g' U 1 1 powder. Got Mexsona. . MAXFIIiLD FEED So SEED CO. 174 West Broadway Salt Lake City, Utah - -.o j "JIM, 1 -V' 1 : ' 1 you ACT v t , - Nf LIKE AN , V, ; - - - 4 OLD MAN I M4'j 'ft ' '? I Vy!" P tj rv: . souote! HOW LOW, discouraged, they can i SOOfheS fast With make you feel those nagging mus- cle aches. In Sorctone Liniment ft ft I D HCfT yon get the benefit of me.hyl sali. Lilly UttM cylale, a most eflective pain-reliev- w w mmi ing agent. And Sorelone's cold heat m fnRtPfl action brings you fast, so-o-o-thing ! riliullil I relief. Soretone Liniment acts to: fiUEtLfftJ ' 1. Dilate surface capillary blood in cases of ' . r!Sse's- r MUSCULAR LUMBAGO J 2. Check muscular cramps. ; -P, , , . . . OR BACKACHE 3. Enhance local circulation. j ,0 ,,, i 4. Help reduce local welling. MUSCULAR PAINS I For fastest action, let dry, rub in . - due to cold again. There's only one Sorctone .1 crtDC HAItcrirc insist on it for Soretone results. bUKt MUbLLtb . 50. A big bottle, only (1. f?: f "" " , L H--"iMINOR SPRAINS I ' rWsivyiutirwjirfe t m . . . . . . l I Trident irisreillenm In Snro- r " ,-r. . ,, a iJZ Kino ai-l like heal !o Inrrcas ( '---r ''ie sn pcrili I j1 t upIy of and McKesson makes it" V.:: iTiowiniVnVe'iiriaiLh! |