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Show rA M i That Would Have Hurt''"1 For the first time in his " Smith was in need of a i services. He remembered!''' his father had known 7, ' prominent attorney so he 5; see the man. The lawyer . ' to take the. case and won 5 handily. Then he went to yer to pay the bill. li! "Le,t,s see now," said the I, yer, "you won $500 in that , didn't you?" Wat "Yes, sir," replied Cal "Well, since I knew your(ali(1 so well, I must make it eas' you. Supposing I set my lL ' $400?" 1 ee "Whew!" whooshed Cal f sure glad you didn't know father." , ' - Time to Part A young lawyer had a t-complicated t-complicated case to present i-the i-the court. He prepared his c-" with utmost care and present it with the clearest words t could muster. When he was a'noi halfway through his oration '' felt that the judge was miss-a miss-a few of the finer points J paused a moment then 3a:d' "I beg your pardon, Your Be y or, but are you following me'" i "I'm right behind you, ;or fellow," replied the black f figure, "but if I thought fa' could find my way back a!or- I I'd try it right now." r K |