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Show FOR SALE: 4-room frame house in Lynndyl. Is insulated. Can be moved easily. Reasonable. Make Offer. See Thuro Wiley. Lynndyl. FOR SALE: One extra heavy duty 8-foot tractor type spring tooth harrow. John Hersleff, Delta, RFD. FOR SALE: 1 John Deere side rake in good condition; also a John Deere, 16 in. 2-way tractor plow. Contact Eldon Anderson, Oak City. 4-13 FOR SALE: One WD International tractor, like new. Can finance part. See Bert Jensen, Delta RFD. 4-6 FOR SALE: Velvon seed barley, re-cleaned. re-cleaned. Also wheat and barley mixed. Clifford Peterson, Abraham. 4-6 FOR SALE: Good concrete gravel delivered to your place or loaded at the pit also. Gravel for yards at cheaper price. Call or Write Joseph L. Anderson, Oak City. TF DR. K. A. DUTSON, optometrist, located in the Crest Theatre Bldg., announces that his office is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ap- FOR SALE: 1940 ton and a half Fork truck. Also a Topaz house If interested See Jeff Jones, Delta RFR 3-30 I ANNOUNCING 111 ii ii mini . - - - ffiEE ;onus! SAVE SURE -WINNER GREEN STAMPS i ',', 3 $2.00 in Cash or JS2.50 in Trade or in Premiums EARN WHILE SAVING pomtmens may be had by calling. FOR SALE: 100 White Leghorn cockerels, 1 week old, 10c each; 50 straight run White Leghorn chicks, 1 week old, ,24c each; We can also take your orders for almost al-most any type of common breed of chicks you wish, including Indian In-dian River, Cornish, New Hampshire, Hamp-shire, New Hampshire Reds, Barred Bar-red Rocks, etc. At Moody Bros. Feed, adjoining the seed plant. Have your Beef, Pork or Lamb slaughtered under sanitary conditions condi-tions at a Licensed Slaughterhouse Pick up and delivery service. Contact Con-tact D. Stevens & Co., Meat Dept., Phone 1611, or contact George E. Talbot, Hinckley, Utah. tf TROUBLED WITH ALCOHOL? If you have a drinking problem and want to do something about it, contact Alcoholics anonymous. PO box- 547 or Call 1412 For all types of unholstering, such as furniture recovering, truck seats recovered, or custom made seat covers, nylon, plastic plas-tic or fibre, see GORDON TWITCHELL PhniiA AO OUR ANNUAL SpSong SsiBe Beginning at 10 a.m. faiday, Aptiil 14,1950 IS you have Cattle or sale list j them with us. I IS you wish to buy be here. F I THIS WILL BE OUR LAST SALE UNTIL FALL L Where Buyer and Seller Meet- I Delta Livestock I abo I Pec Auction (So. I who SITUATED ON THE U. P. RAILROAD - i it MEgffA - ,L11MMaJa.MM.,MJ-I S''t" crzi ,, , . . j 1 ii I l BEAUTIFUL I j PREMIUMS A Stamp GIVEN FREE I "With EACH 10c Purchase I ""H W nil il wmm l I vwH 2 o- I I'M? ! Shop located 1 block south of I UP Depot. tf. I FOR SALE: Fire insurance on your home or business. Automobile Ins. on Cars, Trucks and Buses. The cheapest and the best rates. Call or Write Joseph L. Anderson. Oak City. Utah. TF SPRING PLOWING: I will plow your garden plots and lawns and leave them all ready for planting See Joe Tolbert, Delta. FOR SALE: Complete line of poultry poul-try feeding equipment. Anaconda Treble Superphosphate fertilizers. Morgro fertilizer for lawns and gar dens. Bannock Seed Oats, cleaned clean-ed and ready for planting at Moody Moo-dy Bros. Feed, adjoining seed plant FOR SALE: Barley in the bin. See Verdell Bishop, Hinckley or call 108Y. 4-6 Heating and air conditioning. Coal and oil furnaces installed. Work Guaranteed. For information write Bus and Wayne, Box 581, Delta. Or see Alma J. Christensen. 3-30 DELTA BUS LINE Runs Daily . . from Delta to Salt Lake City and return, with stops and pickups at all towns along the route. Leaving Delta 6:30 a.m. Arrive Salt Lake 10:15 a. m. Leave Salt Lake City 5 p.m. Arrive Delta 9:30 p.m. "Delta Depot City Cafe Eureka Depot Virginia Cafe Provo Depot Continental Trailways Bus Station. 100 N. University Ave. SLC Depot Moxum Hotel FOR SALE: Bulding lots with all city facilities, water, sewer and sidewalks. M. H. Workman, Delta. 4-20 Expert Cement Work Done. New mixer, new headgate and water trough forms. Work guaranteed. See Marvin Greener, or ph 973.3-30 w..'yMffwMWW(r"aiw111'1 " I llSlTl - ' Ham ft o ' i I Pace 1 , FOflO V-8 WHISPERS WHILE IT WORKS J I Just as Ford's "hushed" power fSJA, a w, I y.'1" levels the hills, Ford's "Hvdra- i.virC""r treat Ford V-8 offer, you a full 100 horeepoww. J" I V Coil" and "Para-Flex" SDrinira v."?f " never raises Its voice. For new hushed liming gw': T I 'V( level the bumps. You float Jtant Sjbs-' . , J''6" " allent-spln tanOrint you. f I "., . over them. Your driver's slat ."fW "?' And thl. whispering power I. only one of the many w1"" I even ha, new non-sag sprees Aj'fcill dues to Ford', new quality. under new foam rubber cushion! T & p x""""S. I"""-N. T I It will open SjBf S J ' ' ""',L V w -Trl 1 OlA (T n'y T M f. " ' ' MATIC OVlDlfi I ITS mm ismm I Anaconda Treble Super Phosphate TOTAL PHOSPHORIC ACID not less than . 46 0 SOLUBLE PHOSPHORIC ACID not more than 4.0 AVAILABLE PHOSPHORIC ACID not less than 42.0 Per Hundredweight $3.28 Per Ton $65.00 Cheaper Because It Takes Less To Get More!! CHLORADANE Get the Weevil with this spray EARLY!! WAlSAVircEffil (CEflecsaicafl Evervtnin8 To Iv,eet Your Needs - WALL PAPERING DONE. Start early on your spring house cleaning. clean-ing. See Mrs. lone Dalley, Delta. BARLEY AND HAY FOR SALE: at the O. K. Tire Shop. 3-30 We Cut and Wrap Beef, Pork or Lamb for your home freezer or meat locker. D. Stevens & Co. HELP WANTED Male or Female: Part time credit investigator wanted wan-ted for Delta on a fee basis by a National Credit Agency. State age, qualifications and 'phone number. Send replies to P. O. Box-ABC, Millard County Chronicle. PFAFF SEWING MACHINES FAMOUS THE WORLD OVER SINCE 1862 Complete operation of the famous fam-ous machine in many cases requires re-quires less time and effqrt than one attachment on the ordinary sewing machine. Once you see it and try it it will spoil you for any other sewing sew-ing machine. Guaranteed without time limit. Call me today for free demonstration demon-stration in your home. , Benny Schena, phone 26F4 or 471 |