Show WHAT WILL CURE MY BACK BACHL common sense will do to cure backache than anything else leo twill tell you whether the Isid are sore eore swollen and aching it will tell you in that case that there Is no use trying to cure cum it with a plaster if the passages are scant or too frequent proof that there Is 1 kidney trouble Is complete then common sense will tell you to use doans kidney pills the best recommended om mended special kidney remedy an Arlic aneas cave henry I 1 white U ni 3rd ard it t ft bineth h aas a A arac rat say ea 1 I suffered buffered e v 0 r i ething but d death e a t h horn from terrible kidney birou rou ble I 1 iaz had awful headaches and dizzy ove scalded IN urine cald a and d ny my back ached con c 0 n B antly mans kidney ey P B evi cured red we completely and I 1 have bateham had no sign of kidney get doans at any drug store a box Tv tva 9 kidney kidner L ayo a n pills I 1 C vanishes forever prompt relief permanent cure CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail purely vegetable act surely CARTERS but gently on the liver ITTLE stop after IVER dinner dis PILLS tress cure indigestion improve the complexion brighten the SMALL PIU PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL SHALL genuine must bear signature ay 0 g 0 10 2 za V PAR KUKa HAI HAIR BALSAM JeBie i vaa bertino bir tino ur ute promoted Ira Pro motet motel a a ant cm pro irth feeter ever rall s to oo 00 t 0 oan clr tot to ita youthful t I 1 own co r proven Pr eventa hair ir falchik ton f na sl W M A bt t r to NCI de alt poison pet in by ORTY T E JUS AGO almost almod every mott mother vier thought ino aught her child chila must haw haver 18 or laudanum laudau mn to make it deep these drugs ga will 0 produce P loduca to anda A FEW D deopp R 0 ens TOO manyim prod prodico c c the s SLEEP WEIGH oil IS NO wanto many are the tale tal e children ildren oh who have been killed or whose those balth has been ram ruined ed for life iffe by paregoric laudanum and morphine each of wil ahio A 0 is a narcotic 0 product of opium druggists exo are prohibited from brom selling either c diflo the narco narcotics ties named to children chila 11 on at all 0 or to anybody without la belling mom them aison is on 3 thela the 0 f is iss d which carh andar sleep irv w poisonous doses produces stupor cowa coma convulsions a aad death f The taste and smell of medicines containing opium iura axe are disguised 2 ana sol under the names of drops cordiale cordiali cordials Cor dials dialo boo soothing thing syrups eto etc toil L U TL should wot t permit any aj me medicine dicine to be givon given to your ch children ildron without you or your physician p I 1 an know of what it I 1 is composed CASTOR T A DOES dy 1 tit baars boars the Big signature nature of cha ahas s IL fletcher 41 tr 14 1 0 letters from prominent physicians I 1 addressed to chas H on bal fletcher G ir dr J W of chicago ill sayo bays 1 I use your cassorla Ca storla anaf adelee its 10 uso MO in all families where there aro children ir dr alexander ad B mintlo of cleveland ohio says 1 I havo frequently prescribed your cassorla Ca storla and have found it a roll ablo imd pleasant rem ody for children dr agnes V swetland of omaha bebr says bays your our Cas castoria tozia Is tho the best remedy in tho the world for children and tife the only ono one I 1 usa and recommend ALCOHOL OL 3 PER ir dr J A mcclellan of buffalo N Y says 1 I have frequently AV your castoria Ca storla tor children and always got good results resul in fact I 1 UW asa adre idre dair cassorla Ca storla oria for my own children r J W v allen of st louis 0 mo o says bays 1 I heartily endorse your carp caa torla toria I 1 havo have frequently prescribed it in my medical practice and ana have bava always found it to do all that Is claimed for it IV ir dr 0 11 glidden of alz S paul glnn says my aly exper experience lenco oa as a arao promotes tit ioner with your castoria Ca storla las has been highly satisfactory and I 1 consider iffa ness and Rest Contains 11 an excellent remedy for tho the youns young 0 NO lp te dr II 11 D denner benner of philadelphia pa says 1 I ha hayo havo vo used your caa NOT W OT NARCOTIC torin lorla as a purgative la the cases cased of children tor for years past with wl th tho tha jnoes oat happy effect and fully endorse it as a safe remedy ir dr J A boarman of kansas city mo says your cassorla Ca storla Is a eplen asplen pg sd did remedy for children known tho uio world raia over I 1 u uco 0 it in my practice find and havo bavo no hesI hesitancy taney la in recommending it for tho complaints of 01 infants infanta jeisi sibil end and children 1 1 dr J J mackey 31 ackey of brooklyn N X Y says bays 1 I con consider sidor your castoria Ca storla oa am ar ltd SW excellent preparation tor for children being composed of reliable medicines and pleasant to tho taste A good remedy for all disturbances of the tha Aper remedy for ats illg digestive estive organs aton sour GENUINE A baars boars tho signature of ironie Sign alue of oc schist NEV YO R K bi s d you lyv ave always bou V mi exact B copy of wrapper in use for over 30 years THE COMPANY vr TT benje el |