Show ELECTRIC LIGHT IN DENMARK every town in n that country of over population has ha public service according to recent information about th the e progress of electric light and power industries in denmark it appears that all the towns of inhabitants and over over are now provided with public electric electro lil service ervice says saya the scientific american As to towns having between and inhabitants there tire ore only three in which electric mains are not installed so that it will be seen that Denni denmark ark to la one of the most moat progressive count countries in this respect the largest sized elec trie stations are to be found at C copenhagen pen hagen and at present there are ara three large arge plants in operation giving a total of horse power current Is supplied for the city mains as aa well as for the tramway lines As aa regards the danish stations in small towns in general each town has haa its ita own plant aud and there Is butone but one ex cx ample of an s essm fiem this Is at near copenhagen and the central station ta on extends tta ito power lines over au t the he ab uran ra regions S a also s 0 s up plyle i fl tile eways of cf gellerup hellerup Helle Ilelle rup and klampen Klam burg in most of the town electric stations tho diesel heavy oil engine Is used |