Show progressive party on oil page pae thre 3 colum four you will binl ind the progressive par ticket and ghesu the surprising su part of the ticket i is its it strength itic headed by by y N epili L all morris for governor stephen 11 lose lom of salt lake and louis lai larson of 1 san sall pate for congressmen W wt edn can no longer 0 overlook the fact that the progressive party is going to b be a big bi factor inthe in the counci coining election both in utah and the nation A very large nuin number ber or of the national magazines in and newspapers have eliminated mr air taft t from the race and are adi admitting nitting that the race lace is is between na mr r wils wilson son and mr roosvelt with mr wilson as favorite men are not moved 16 higher things thing iq i by wit or common i dut but cursed by pau priests its and ld kick gl ed by kings i i use them in ill self def defense e n S P kimpling Kip pling |