Show CURED OF SCALP TROUBLE stratford 0 rd cali cal my daughters scalp trouble began as aa pimples and catered eat test ered then formed scales iler her scalp etched itched and she eho had dandruff Her fler hair came out in bunches falling failing entirely on in spots aa large tie as a silver dollar ollar fl A kind ot of scab would form in little white crusts on tho these theao spots would bo be soro eore knowing the Out ibura so soap ap and Cuti cura ointment were good for tho skin akin and scalp we washed hor her scalp each morning with soap and then applied the Cuti cura ointment rubbing it in well with tho tha hand it beeped from tho the start atari aused I 1 used ono box of Cuti cura ointment and one cako cake of soap then her scalp was cured and her hair grow grew again it has baa been more than a year since and tier her scalp to Is lear clear and healthy signed hiram Crab crabtrey treo jan 25 1912 Cuti cura soap and ointment sold gold throughout the world sample of each tree roe with 82 p skin book address frontward t card Cuti cura dept 4 boston instead of liquid antiseptics tablets and peroxide for toilet and medicinal uses many people prefer Pax tinb which la Is cheaper and better at druggists a box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the paxton toilet co boston mass urs mra lowa soothing syrup for childred Child teething softens the gums reduces tion allays pain cures curea wind colic a bottle 9 1118 0 WE siaa q ft 3 7 from new england Erss Sand women prove that lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound does restore the health pt ailing women boston massi maag 1 was passi passing ng through the change of life and suffered dd V hemorrhages sometimes lasting for weeks and could get nothing to chock check the them m I 1 began taking lydia E H rinI chams vegetable compound tablet form forin on tuesday and the following saturday morning the tha hemorrhages orr hages stopped A 1 have taken them regularly ever since and am steadily gaining I 1 certainly think that every one abo la Is troubled us as I 1 was should galvo your compound tablets a faithful trial and aboy will find relief mrs JUDY jimy fifth street south boston mass letter from mrs julia king phoenix RJ RI nix RI 1 III worked steady in the mill fro from m time I 1 was waa 12 years old until I 1 had been married a year and I 1 think that caused my bad feelings I 1 had soreness in my side near my left filp that went around to my mt back bacI cand and sometimes I 1 would have to lie in bed for two or three days I 1 was not able to do my housework lydia 11 E vegetable compound has haa helped me wonc wonderfully lerf ully in every way you yon may u use my letter for the good of others I 1 am only too aulia glad lad to do anything an mx thing within my power to recommend your medicine mrs mm JULIA KINO box KI leiter frommes from mrs etta conti conn willimantic Willi mantic conn 11 41 for five years I 1 suffered buffered untold agony from demala troubles causing backache irregularities dizziness and nervous prostration it was impossible for me to walk up stairs without stopping nj on tho the way waa I 1 was all run down in every way 1 I tried three doctors and each told me something different I 1 received no benefit from any of thera them but seemed to suffer more tho the last doctor sald caid it was no use for me to tako anything as nothing would restore me to health I 1 ap in so I 1 began taking lydia E PInI chams vegetable compound to see rec WEA what it would do and by taking seven bottles of the compound and other treatment you advised I 1 om am restored to my natural health mrs ETTA DONOVAM 70 main street Willi willimantic mantic conn letter from mrs Winf winfired irAd dana augusta me augusta me illyria clydla E B Pink hams vegetable compound has cured tho tha backache headache and the tha bad pain I 1 had in tay my right side and I 1 am perfectly well mrs mm BPD no 2 augusta me letter from mrs J A thompson newport vt newport vt 1 I thank you for the great benefit lydia a rink hams vegetable compound has hah done me 1 took eight bottles audit and it did wonders for me as I 1 was wait a nervous wreck when I 1 began taking it I 1 shall hall always speak aalt a good word for it to my friends mrs jon boim at A Ta oursoN box bos at 8 newport newport center vermona Vermont letter from miss grace dodds bethlehem NH bethlehem NII MIL 11 1 by working very hard sweeping carpets washing ironing lifting baskets of clothes etc I 1 got all run down I 1 was waa alok in bed every mouth month 46 this last spring my mother lot got lydia 11 PInk rink hams vegetable compound for me and already I 1 feel I 1 like ke another girl I 1 am reg regular ularand and do not have tho the pains that I 1 did abado and do not have to go to bed I 1 will tell an all in my y friends what tho the Oom compound pound is doing for me miss IL DODDS box bethlehem XV NIL for 30 years lydia E vegetable Compoi compound ind has boon been tho the standard remedy for forte female ills no one sick mck with comans womans wo mans ailments does justice to herself who will ivill not try this famous jue medicine dicIne made from froin roots and herbs it has restored write to LYDIA MEDICINE CO W confidential MASS HAMS for advice your loiter le confidential ter will bo be opened Ip ened rend read and answered 01 by a woman mid and hold in strict confidence FOR 1110 AND BLADDER contala no harmful or habit firming arup new goods in a new store I 1 naturally in a store like ours we aim to keep the newest and most popular styles you will find many things to please pleas i e you here SALT LAN 2 main alain street thank you for the 1 accounts we appreciate the g good 0 ad will of the largo large number of people who open small savings accounts and wish them to feel meare wo are THEIR friends as they are ours walker brothers bankers SALT LAKE oldest intermountain bunk boni READ THE AMATEUR DRAMATIC NEWS the only amateur dramatic paper lu in america I 1 helpful every ev eryline allne I 1 only i a your year send gend for sample copy dept P F P 0 box SALT LAKE CITY UTAH AN HIGH finishing and en 0 radons ia larline by ProTe ro sal glona p nals C R at SAVAGE salt bait lake city utah MYERS CLEANING DYEING CO Finest plant west of the mississippi agents W wanted aled la in every town liberal terms to nailer send trial order to try ex collence of work dept E east broadway SALT LAKE CITY A POSITIVE anil na PERMANENT CURE TOR drunkenness and opium diseases tiers Is 1 so B publicity no sickness loii treated fretted as ornately ys in ia their own hoines TIIE THE KEELEY INSTITUTE tellas un 1 TUT W sauth temple street silt salt lake cliv alt 5 send fr for FREE GUN CATALOGUE western arms a sporting goods gooda company salt lake city utah CORRECT KODAK FINISHING TO UTAN UTAH PHOTO MATERIALS CO ask for price list main st ft salt bait lake city SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED sent bent to us by niall mail will be fetui returned ned the following day guaranteed tobe to be as sharp aa new ones onca price double edge per dozen single edge ak per dozen durham DuDl duplex exNa 60 per dozen FRANKE salt lake city cir PLAYS PLAYS PLAYS ra A ra A arx A for amateurs and professionals catalog of 1000 selected plays with hints to amateurs FREM FREE salt lake costume co adopt C G SALT LAKE CITY UTAH MEN men ann AND anu WOMEN A malee ke more than money elerbe ever be fore on account of many added money making facilities good opportunities open and barbers Ind emaniL we teach the trade complete call or write moler barber collego college 13 commercial street salt bait lake city utah KODAK FINISHING mall mail orders given prompt attention complete stock of photo salt lake photo supply co write for catalogues cataloguer catal main st Z 0 fit build for permanency C 0 WIN C R E T E NEVER WEAR OUT no matter how small or how large the bridge or culvert Is to be you should insist upon it being built of concrete and no matter who contracts todo to tio the work for you insure its permanency by insisting upon RED D DEV DEVIL L C A good devil T cement of a PORTLAND POR FLA D there are other brands but only one RED DEVIL brand it is always satisfactory because it is always tini uniform form in quality strength and color engineers for big dams canals and power plants demand this cement you should demand it for all concrete work dont build unless you have RED DEVIL bold sold by all lending dealers denlein Den lern write tor for free Doo kleta union portland cement co Cos ogden utah ataw ii 1 TaW ii ww 12 the school ol of suit salt lake clity city results guaranteed satisfactory liall fall Busin cip penmanship and shorthand gouras all year day dai and evenin write writ for or illustrated catalogna Catalo oata logue gua address ovens iScO Moo secretary tl boston dlo |