Show UTAH STATE NEWS A salt lake newspaper announce that tho tha saltair road will probably be electrified next year the commercial club ot of randolph Randol bas baa succeeded in having work begun on an opera house to cost A ot butt thrown into ft a ruh rub bish barrel caused a fire in the Lyce lyceum uril theatre at ogden tho the damage amounts amount ed d to fi J at carlson carlsen oi ogden Is to be tho the president deaf of the retail merchants lB association for the coining year and ogdon ogden will bo be the scone of the next convention charles annis a bingham minor miner had ad his two logo legs badly mangled while trying to switch a car of ore he was operating a dinkey engine which fell over on him lourano L parko parke formerly assistant st city engineer engl noor of salt lake dropped dead from heart disease while on a trip of inspection to a mine in the mountains near salt lake william 0 Shedd lck who fell ell off a load athay ot hay two weeks ago and broke his back died wednesday at midvale he was sixty live years old and an old resident ot of south jordan tho the spanish fork high school which is being erected at a cost of more than Is rapidly nearing completion and it la Is hoped will be ready for occupancy by september 30 within ft a few cow weeks one of the most elegant and expensive high school buildings in ili the state will bo be completed at price by carbon county tho the colst coat of the structure la Is about after tin an illness of many months john henry dack back 66 56 years old yet veteran salesman of the wholesale department part ment 0 tho the Z 0 at I 1 salt lake died september 12 of cancer of the brain fred elrod dennett commissioner of the general land office at Wais washington hington was tho the guest ot of tho the salt lake commercial club on ile ho Is in utah on a trip ot of inspection of the local land offices tho ninth annual convention of the utah postmasters postmaster association will bo be hold held at logan september 20 and 21 trofio meetings have boon 1 e approved by rd ae i t I 1 t t apie 51 M will hm havo cpr amo an ilvo present tho resy Jenco belonging to mrs doddy deddy egano at colton burned to the ground saturday night and henry vincent had a narrow escape ile he was was asleep and was not awakened until tho the fire had made groat headway A alro which broke out in a saloon building at marcur which endangered several thousand dollars worth of 0 property was stopped before serious harm had been done owing to tta its early discovery by the night marshal A simple scratch of 0 the loye eyeball ball ra received several weeks ago by walter baker 42 years old while lie he was pressing his way through a thicket of 0 brush near his home at boulder garfield county caused his death september 12 iron county has installed an unusual mineral exhibit at tho the chamber of commerce in salt lake the bisp display I 1 ay includes ao an excellent collection of an thra cito coal samples in refutation ot ol tho the general belief that there are no anthracite deposits in utah every available band in salt lake will vill be in line tor for tho the parade and electrical pageant of tho the national irrigation congress and tho the official irrigation congress band will be on duty every day from saturday Septem september bet 28 until thursday october 3 carl A Bo verleigh and lavine jaylne arnst undertakers assistants art ars charged with grand larceny in corn plaines plaints pla ints issued thursday in which it is alleged they robbed tho the bodies oi of bert beit hooth booth and simeon C hazleton killea in the automobile accident near murray more afore than cars will bo in line for tho state run from salt lako lake to tc provo ot of the utah club september 21 A watermelon and a n raco race on tho the track are arc features of the entertainment to be provided the motorists at tho the prove fair grounds the first carload of Jo caches coaches shipped from this state across the atlantic has left ogdon ogden tor for hamburg germany tho the shipment Is now being prepared by a local fruit each exchange ango and it if tha experiment provos satisfactory other utah peaches may find a market across tho water james marsh marah of Grants grantsville ville appear now to be tho the ultimate winner ot of the first brkl proof bof in tho the swat the lly fly contest inasmuch na aa last week lie he turned into tho the office of secretary T T B R beatty batty of the state board of health thirty flab quarts of flies files in addition to a similar quantity heretofore seal in |