Show tw ael of the principal advantage of a m I 1 eak e ak n Is that you have a P a that will always respond aly w fiemeyer to write the spoon feed regulates an even and steady flow and prevents overflow to suit every hand N Y theten Th eTen that big man use HOWARD E BURTO H ASSAY lw C A pimen cicen priced quid sliver load lat 1 abid diver lad wn ea zinc yunc or copper 1 mulling envelopes n y slopes and full price list sont gent on application fl atrol and wd Leati 1 villes col 01 Ue ferenee national bank bade brains shortcut teut to tn ten T n uraula great n ideas special 91 1 ulam aroa roe 4 tibbie MINN MIM IF ITS YOUR EYES EYE SALVE lit what you need W write ta m allo HS H therein aco co attys allys s F 8 L wa h agton WA IH t W N U salt lake city no 37 1912 A FOOD CONVERT good food tho the true road to health th the pernicious habit some persons still have of relying on nauseous drugs to 0 o relieve stomach trouble keeps up the patent medicine business and helps keep up the army or of dyspeptics Indig indigestion tation dyspepsia la is caused by what Is put into tho the stomach in the way of improper food the kind hind that to so taxes the strength of the digestive organs they are acour actually ally crippled when this state Is reached to resort to tonics is ia like whipping a tired horse with a big load every adal additional effort he be makes under the lash diminishes his power to move the load try helping the stomach by leaving oft off heavy greasy indigestible food rind and talo take on grape nuts light easily digested full of strength for nerves and brain in overy every grain of it theres no waste of time nor energy energy when grape nuts to Is tho the food 1 I am an enthusiastic user of and consider it an ideal food writes a maine man 1 I had bad nervous dyspepsia and was all rundown run down and my food seemed to jo me but little good from reading rm nn advertisement I 1 tried grape nuts nuta food and after a few weeks steady uhe uha of it felt greatly improved am much stronger strong or not nervous now and can do more work without feeling so tired and am better every way 1 I relish grape nuts best with cream and use four heaping teaspoonfuls teaspoon fula as the cereal part of a meal I 1 am sure there are thousands of persons with stomach trouble who would bo be bene ted by using grape nuts name given by co battle creek mich read head tho iho little book tho the road to Well bellville wellville ville in pigs theres thenes a rea st aver read the above letter A now 0 one e appears from time to time they are gen genalee alue truel true and full of auguas fate remt |