Show does it not look a atte distant for one of school trustees to be soliciting dominions domit ions for a school that is fore foreign ign to kanab interests and at the same time be turning our own children out on the streets becaL because lse we have no funds to furnish room and teach teachers erg for them would it not be for the best beat to call mass amass a meeting of the te people and have them appoint a committe to investigate school matters and find out the reasons for the deplorable e condition our dia di q t 3 0 AIM win V jwj pay y top prices M f ov 6 months jonws old steer calyes calves and yearling steers delivered in kanab ja oct et 1 r will pay advance on any number C G H townsend it ll a sh tl thomay iOWay our oui 7 uncle D des el wool woolley le i wm was t treated in the state lican convention of course f city say unac doe dee I 1 an ti ingot up to speak weather heit nd ing the 0 minati d governor spry orA elling 04 great success our oiw lady VI d nasr having an and 1 YA jed L S to avalt wai until uncle oneie dea Oe eie al ay 1 1 0 euphi up his sf I 1 mind mina which df tha 1 11 wets was waa the tk aa 4 11 01 0 1 t they toli dea 5 i 1 tj wo and wha henhe n jad ahey wanted TO r to td throw arow him 0 think thirla thir lC 0 want wanting ing to 0 ur belc dee butof out of the Salak 16 tre when he had ir 0 ote t bof I 1 kane county in his bedl poe kit ui e V dee is al 4 OK p fi himself bound iau n A ed ill in tt th heTe put T 44 j the mot ma t po a ti in the world s killer the great evil is ditl XIA I 1 k killin a aarl charleter ter asas i 1 indof ing of h iaz t as a thy tho hand band I 1 red with 0 of caf fao fellow man an and ay iy hil theat olt s of i earthly jus noa record them the rcy re 14 h we ye I 1 1 must all be ju ir p after nii vill kno jno none of us would a ana t i effit coffia ip coq look k i olig and a 01 I 1 speak i clr I 1 at t PJ 7 y rt ff 1 1 lf l f 1 the absent sont jil t 0 s t u i v syri form yet 4 Z the bu e tai lockskin lick skin 0 ce 1 re them 6 n the ail |