Show TREATMENT OF FLOORS HINTS THAT THE housekeeper HOUSEKEEP Eft WILL FIND HELPFUL WAI walte te shellac e 1 lac followed by wax polish JB epst et for or parquet floors floora old I 1 floors stained to match rugs eryca in new houses where hard ivoyd wood floors floora are fresh and clean some 0 the rooms will look better stained for r a parquet floor there la is no better anish finish than to first till fill with a coat of white shellac and then apply wax evenly a cloth let the wax remain on several hours before rubbing down to a high polish with tho the weighted brush that comes for this purpose with this simple finish the floors are easily kept bright by being rubbed with the weight once 1 a week and being dusted dally daily with an ordinary over which a woolen cloth Is tied old floors may be stained to match the rugs so eo easily that one wonder why it Is not often done purchase IL a package of dye the tint you want your floor or you can get seal brown which will resemble walnut when or light brown which gives 4 a handsome shade dissolve in bollini boiling water as directed on the envelope lope and apply with a scrubbing or a white wash brush when perfectly dry this may be varnished this finish may a also lee be used on homemade home made furniture and on aft woodwork that has never been painted very ottell ott esl stains made at home are moro more satisfactory than those al ready mixed aa a pound of 0 dry color costs in the neighborhood pt ten cents and this mixed with two quarts of turpentine will give beautiful stains of any desired color burnt sienna mixed abt mad d kut ku T walta d coarse coarse brush and then wiped off with a rag before it ts ls entirely dry gives a beautiful mahogany stain and the grain of the wood shows through beautifully raw sienna elenna also gives a transparent stain a fine sunny yellow or orange effect according to how bow much turpentine la Is used to dilute it with it I 1 af tl a good color for halls as it does deep not show the print of dust so plainly LS is darker stains do prussian blue Is a powei powerful fui stain with great possibilities two or three tablespoons of the dry color will be sufficient for a halt half gallon of turpentine on a yellow pine dine floor it gives green and blue shades that blend wi with th blue A to k keep a flae gloBa ton varnished hAX floors boors do ao not wash alth t h soapsuds but sprinkle with dairy calt t or coarse salt allow it to remain on ave ve minutes and then sweep off witha alth a soft broom when you mus must t wash painted or varnished floors put a little kerosene in the water this will give a gloss kitchen floors should should never be covered with a carpet fo fob dozens of reasons that all good houp keepers know linoleum la is an ideal it if it Is out of the question several coats of good inside paint twill will be found next best strips of appet carpe tand and rag rugs prevent the ang na oft off and soften th the unco e to tired feet harl etta domestic saw ec W |