Show CLEANEST CITY IN WORLD traveler days gay that alx aix les balne in southern franco france well this distinction jt hive have found tho the cleanest city in the world very proper properly lyl it la Is the worlds worl di oldest watering place tor for water ni means eans cleanliness it batek back 1 over twenty centuries it Is a little city ty ot of not anore than tanta though this number la Is qu quadrupled ad during the height of the summer season beason when all the world pays tribute to the remarkable efficacy of ite salubrious BAlU brio alls warm baths bathe for tho the worn mout out overworked american these bacha have a peculiar fascination year after year the visitors from the united states include men of affairs ny notable in financial business and circles it Is sur th that atthe the rush of overwrought americans americana to this famous health re sort rt which lias has been so long a favorite testing resting place for titled europeans Is naj much greater I 1 am writing of aix aleles les dains or as it Is commonly called alx aix says john A flelcher Sl elcher in lesliea Le L e ea aix is in southern aou thern france near the swiss border the snow enow capped peaks of the swiss alps rising above and all around ito give to tho the clean little olty caty a and a seclusion all its own two warm springs gushing from the mountain at the rate of 1 ft million gallons dally daily form the reason for the existence of bf alx aix these waters possess radioactivity radio activity and their chemical elements including chiefly ted hydrogen render de r them moat efficacious for gout rheumatism and similar physical ills the result of overwork a redenta ry life lach ot ol exercise and a too liberal diet the famous springs of alx aix belong to id the state its center of attraction Is the bathing pavilion pa villon a massive granate gr Antte structure alth atit biffi a im posing frog i 2 iron n doors it stands at t the b eo head of one of the principal streets and contains aban dant accommodations for all the visitors and the baths are of the greatest variety the thermal waters are used only externally the peculiarity of tho the bath a at alx aix Is that it combines the douche with massage I 1 know of no other resort that given anything exclusively of this kind and no other springs I 1 arr an told have the same chemical and radio act activities littles that have hate made the water vater of alx aix so efficacious fica cious clous for over twenty centuries or since years before the christian era |