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Show New Office Building Gets Telephone System! Largest private telephone system sys-tem in the southern Utah are:i 13 current lly being Ins' ailed In the Columbia Iron Mines office building at 1475 West 200 North St. by the Mountain States Telephone Tele-phone and Telegraph Company, it wa3 announced this week by Dean Williams, manager of the the Cedar City office. The installation of dial equip-ment equip-ment is valued at $23,000 an 1 will serve as a link between the offices, community and 'mining operations. The installation, according ac-cording to Williams, is a miniature minia-ture duplicate of the company's dialing system operation to be locaed in the new building now under cons'ruction. The system enable Desert Mound, Iron Mountain and the new office building to communi-cate communi-cate with one another with the use of long distance lines. It wil also enable them 'o contac individuals in-dividuals within the bour'I i-l-of the Cedar City area. I Incoming calls t. the Columbi; i Iron Mining offices will be nan ! dlod by their switchboard oper ator and the operator, in turn will direct the calls 'o the premier prem-ier party by dialing extension numbers. 1 In keeping with modernistic design the 23 extension tele? phones placed in the new buil I ing will be in color to harmon Ize with the various offices. i fystcm is of the same y;ic I and size used by the Columbia Geneva works in U'ah Coun y, and is of the most modern type available today, Williams point-ed point-ed out. The system will relieve a definite def-inite problem of the past by affording af-fording an up-'o-day communications communi-cations system, replacing what has been to'ally Inadequate. The system will be ready for use H the time of the occupany of the new building in January, Williams said. j |